Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair supports Trump in the US presidential election.

Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss expressed her support for former President Trump in the 2024 US election, citing his policies during his presidency as “highly effective.”

In an interview with LBC radio on Monday, Truss stated her desire to see a new president in the White House and made it clear that she supports Trump’s candidacy.

This marks Truss’s strongest endorsement of Trump as the Republican candidate for the 2024 election thus far. Previously, she had only hinted at supporting the current presidential candidate without directly mentioning Trump’s name.

Truss, the shortest-serving prime minister in British history, has been a prominent supporter of conservative politics in the United States since leaving 10 Downing Street in 2022. In recent months, she introduced a bill in the UK Parliament and launched her own “Popular Conservatism” movement, even touring the US to give speeches.

Last year, Truss wrote a column for The Wall Street Journal expressing her hope that “a Republican will return to the White House in 2024.” Earlier this year, she spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), urging the election of Republicans who do not succumb to establishment pressure and believing that a Republican victory would be better for the UK than a Democratic one.

The former British Prime Minister recently released her long-awaited memoir, “Ten Years to Save the West,” in which she outlines her vision of establishing a better conservatism and a better world. During her promotion of the book on LBC radio on Monday, she praised Trump’s policies during his presidency as “highly effective.”

“He reduced regulations, cut taxes, and unleashed America’s energy supply. That’s why the US economy grew significantly faster than the UK,” Truss pointed out, adding that Trump was “more effective in preventing the expansion of aggressive regimes, and I believe our situation would have been different if he had been reelected in 2020.”