Flushing Woman Admits to Involuntary Manslaughter, Facing 27 Years in Prison

Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz announced on Wednesday that Theng Haiyan, a woman from Flushing who three years ago shot and killed her lover in her own apartment and fled the scene, has pleaded guilty to “manslaughter in the first degree” and other charges.

Through strong prosecution by our office, the defendant admitted to the crime of shooting and killing a young man in her own home. With one life tragically lost, the defendant will face long-term imprisonment for her actions. We hope this plea brings some comfort to the victim’s family,” said Katz.

The 34-year-old Theng Haiyan admitted to manslaughter in the first degree and burglary in the second degree. On September 18, 2021, she shot 26-year-old Justin Li in her apartment on 38th Avenue in Flushing.

Queens Supreme Court Justice Ushir Pandit-Durant announced on Wednesday that Theng Haiyan will be sentenced to 22 years in prison for manslaughter in the first degree, and 5 years for burglary in the second degree, totaling 27 years in prison. The sentencing is scheduled for October 16.

According to the indictment, on the evening of September 11, 2021, Theng Haiyan unlawfully entered the residence of the victim, Justin Li, in Bayside and attacked Li’s wife. Theng was subsequently summoned by law enforcement and charged with burglary in the first degree.

Around 9 p.m. on September 19, Justin Li’s wife reported her husband missing, leading the police to conduct a welfare check at Theng Haiyan’s residence in Flushing.

Upon arrival, emergency personnel found Justin Li alone, unresponsive and lying in Theng’s bed. Li had been shot in the head and was bleeding. No shell casings were found at the scene, but a fired bullet was discovered in a pillow on the bed. Medical personnel pronounced Li dead on the scene.

Video surveillance from that day showed that on September 18, Justin Li arrived with Theng Haiyan at the scene, entering the apartment building around 5:40 a.m. Approximately two hours later, Theng Haiyan left alone with multiple packages and drove away in Justin Li’s car.

On September 22, Theng Haiyan was arrested in New Mexico. Her vehicle had stopped by the roadside due to a flat tire. Inside the car, state police found personal belongings of Justin Li and a loaded revolver. The gun matched the bullet found in Theng Haiyan’s bedroom in terms of ballistic evidence.

New Mexico state police later released a video recorded by a female officer wearing a body camera, documenting the discovery and arrest of Theng Haiyan.

In the video, the female officer approached Theng Haiyan’s vehicle which had been parked on the side of the road for nearly an hour, inquiring if assistance was needed. Theng Haiyan, whose English was limited, claimed she was waiting for a friend. Upon checking the Pennsylvania license plate of the vehicle via radio, the officer learned that Theng Haiyan was a suspect in a New York murder case. She managed to delay Theng while waiting for backup. Theng appeared anxious, attempting to return to her car, but was ultimately subdued with the help of the officer and a passerby.

During the escort process, Theng Haiyan repeatedly claimed she was two months pregnant and requested not to be tightly restrained by the police.

Media reports at the time indicated Theng Haiyan was Justin Li’s mistress, and the two had been dating for over a year prior to the incident. Theng Haiyan had reportedly demanded $500,000 in separation fees from Li.

Theng Haiyan was eventually extradited to New York to face multiple charges. Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz stated, “Gun violence is never the way to solve problems.”