Flight attendant sudden death shocks passengers, fulfilling her wish to go home and see her child.

Recently, a flight attendant from ITA Airways in Italy tragically passed away just a few minutes after boarding, leaving passengers and colleagues in shock. Her sudden death resulted in delays for the flight and other subsequent flights, and her desire to fly back home to see her husband and children became an unfulfilled wish.

According to the Manchester Evening News, the incident occurred on September 14 at Reggio Calabria Airport in southeastern Naples, Italy.

The flight attendant, named Gabriella Cario, had planned to fly as a passenger on flight 1156 to Fiumicino Airport in Rome, and then return to her home in Sabaudia, where her husband and three children awaited her, but fate had other plans.

At the age of 57, Cario started feeling unwell while waiting at the boarding gate but did not seek medical assistance as she was eager to return home to her family.

After boarding the aircraft, Cario’s health rapidly deteriorated, and she passed away within minutes, leaving fellow passengers and colleagues shocked. Despite medical personnel rushing to provide emergency care onboard, her condition could not be reversed.

Cario’s sudden death resulted in the delayed departure of flight 1156 until the evening, causing disruptions to other flights as well.

Although Cario lived in Sabaudia, she was based in Rome and served on domestic and international flights in and out of the city.

Cario’s funeral took place in Sabaudia on September 17. The exact cause of her death remains unclear but is currently attributed to a “medical emergency.”

The Mayor of Sabaudia, Alberto Mosca, expressed his condolences, stating that he knew Cario as a smart, cheerful, and kind-hearted woman. He extended heartfelt sympathy to her husband and three beloved children on behalf of the government and the entire community.

According to reports from Il Mattino, Cario’s hometown is Vomero in Naples, Italy. She began her career as a flight attendant with Italy’s national airline and later moved to Sabaudia with her family. In her youth, she served as a Girl Scout in Vomero and continued to actively participate in social activities after relocating to Sabaudia.