Fire Breaks Out in the Office Building of Qihexian County Finance Bureau in Shandong, the Entire Building is Burning.

On September 22nd, a fire broke out at the office building of the Finance Bureau in Qihe County, Shandong Province. The fire was fierce, with flames shooting up to the top of the building and thick black smoke billowing out. The cause of the fire is still unknown.

A video posted by a netizen showed the multi-story building engulfed in intense flames, with fire reaching the rooftop and thick smoke rising into the sky. The caption accompanying the video indicated that the burning building was the Finance Bureau of Qihe County.

From a distance, the entire structure was seen burning, and the exterior walls had turned charred black.

A staff member at the duty room of the Qihe County government informed journalists from Zonglan News on September 22nd that the fire did indeed occur at the office building currently used by the county’s Finance Bureau, and fortunately, there were no casualties. However, the staff member did not provide any information about other damages incurred.

A staff member from the Qihe County Fire Rescue Brigade stated that the fire broke out around 6 a.m. on September 22nd. Thankfully, there were no people inside the building at the time, resulting in no casualties. The cause of the fire, the extent of the area affected, and the losses incurred are currently unknown.