Filial Piety Three Generations Living Together Family Appreciation Ceremony

On May 11th, the day before Mother’s Day, the Global Chinese Peace Association in the United States held the “Three-Generational Family Filial Piety Recognition Ceremony” at the Confucius Plaza in Chinatown, honoring families across America who have practiced filial piety through three generations and presenting them with crystal awards.

The event recognized a total of 13 award-winning families. Among them were families of individuals who have made contributions to New York’s Chinatown community, including Mei Zhencai, President of the Poetry, Painting, Calligraphy, and Chess Society of New York; Cen Zhuohuai, Chairman of the Board; Liang Shuhong, Chairman of the Sino-U.S. Cultural Industries Center; Professor Fang Shujiu; and Mr. Wang Xinren.

Amy Yang, President of the Chinese Association, expressed gratitude to all the award-winning families. Councilman Mattei of the 1st District of the New York City Council delivered a speech at the ceremony, and other speakers included Professor Huang Yezhou, International President of the Chinese Association; Yu Jinshan, Founder of the New York East China Association and Democratic Party District Leader; Miilhan Stephens, Director of the Manhattan Family Federation; Venerable Zizai Rinpoche of the Purple Lotus Temple; and Ms. Lin Dun, representative of the New York Tzu Chi Foundation.

The ceremony featured various performances, including dance performances by the United Manhattan Song and Dance Troupe and the New Jersey Family Federation. Following the recognition ceremony, couples attending the event shared a cup of tea as a symbol of unity, pledging to uphold the values of family. Around 100 guests were present at the event, and the program was also livestreamed globally. For those who wish to watch the program replay, please visit the following link: