FBI finds Maryland high school student “fabricated” campus shooting incident

According to CNN, a high school student in Maryland, United States, was arrested on Wednesday (April 17) and charged with plotting to commit a large-scale violent act. Police stated that evidence found indicated the teenager was planning a campus shooting.

The Montgomery County Police Department in Maryland stated in a press release on Thursday (April 18) that they discovered a 129-page document allegedly written by 18-year-old Alex Ye.

The arrest warrant for the teenager revealed that authorities learned about the document after Ye communicated through Instagram with an unidentified individual who believed a campus shooting was “imminent.” The warrant stated that this unidentified individual had met Ye while receiving inpatient treatment at a local psychiatric hospital.

The arrest warrant noted that Ye referred to the document as a “memoir” and began with a disclaimer that it was a work of fiction.

In the document, Ye detailed plans to carry out a campus shooting. Authorities mentioned that “Ye considered targeting an elementary school, stating he wanted to be famous.” Investigators obtained a search warrant to “conduct internet searches for other drawings and documents related to this large-scale violent threat.”

Police stated that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) alerted them to Ye’s alleged work, leading to a joint investigation between the two agencies.

There are currently no reports on whether Ye possessed firearms.

CNN has reached out to Ye’s lawyer.

Ye is currently detained at the Montgomery County Central Processing Center with no bail allowed until his scheduled trial on June 3. Montgomery County State’s Attorney John McCarthy stated in a press conference on Friday (April 19) that large-scale violence constitutes a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

According to the Montgomery County Public Schools, the student has not attended physical classes since the fall of 2022 but has been enrolled in online learning.

The arrest warrant indicated that Ye was hospitalized in December 2022 for “threatening to ‘shoot up the school,’ having thoughts of murder and suicide.” Subsequently, the student was hospitalized for five months in 2023 at the Johns Hopkins Pediatric Unit for “thoughts of murder.”

The arrest warrant revealed that an FBI agent questioned a school counselor who had worked with the student from late 2022 to early 2023. The counselor stated that Ye “expressed violent thoughts, such as shooting up the school, wanting to harm others, and smiled while saying these things.”

The arrest warrant disclosed that the student “did express that he wanted to shoot up Wootton High School and ‘a primary school he attended,’ but never mentioned the name of that school, although the counselor identified it as Lakewood Elementary.”

As a precautionary measure, the school district has enhanced security measures, especially at Wootton High School, due to the “reason to be concerned about a potential campus shooting.” The warrant also mentioned that the school authorities hope this will serve as a “visual deterrent.”

Montgomery County Police Chief Marcus Jones stated during the Friday press conference that the county schools had received 140 threats just this academic year.

In a statement, the school system said, “These charges are extremely serious, involving threats to harm others; we value and appreciate the close collaboration between Montgomery County Public Schools and the Montgomery County Police Department on this matter, representing our shared commitment to identifying and defusing these threats through proper procedures before potential harm is realized.”

The school’s Chief Operating Officer Brian Hall stated during the Friday press conference, “If students and school staff require discussions and understanding of the progress on this incident, professionals such as psychologists, social workers, and counselors can provide support.”

He emphasized, “Ensuring the safety of our students is not just a priority but a daily commitment for all staff and leadership at Montgomery County Public Schools.”

Editor-in-Charge: Lily.