FBI Director: Chinese Hackers Breach American Infrastructure, Act with Caution

According to a speech by Christopher Wray, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), hackers associated with the Chinese Communist government have breached critical infrastructure in the United States and are waiting for the “right time to carry out devastating strikes.”

During a speech at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, Wray mentioned a cyberattack named “Volt Typhoon” carried out by Chinese hackers targeting various American companies in sectors such as telecommunications, energy, water, and other critical areas. Reportedly, 23 pipeline operators were among the targets of this attack.

Speaking at the 2024 Vanderbilt Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats, Wray warned that China is developing the capability to cause actual damage to the US critical infrastructure at a time of its choosing. He further emphasized that China’s plan involves despicable attacks on civilian infrastructure in an attempt to sow panic.

Wray stated that it is difficult to determine the intent behind such preemptive cyber positioning, which aligns with China’s broader agenda of impeding US defense of Taiwan.

Earlier this week, a spokesperson from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed that “Volt Typhoon” was not linked to the Chinese government but rather part of a ransomware criminal group.

The Chinese Embassy in the United States referenced the statements from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement, pushing back against the US allegations.

Wray highlighted that Chinese hackers utilize a network of zombie computers – compromised personal PCs and servers worldwide – to mask their malicious online activities. Previously, private sector technology and cybersecurity firms in the US attributed “Volt Typhoon” to China, with reports submitted by security researchers from companies like Microsoft and Google.

Editor: Purple Ye.