Family and friends of Li Jinjin: Zhang Xiaoning’s misconduct causes irreparable damage.

In the news from October 3, 2024, Li Jinjin’s longtime friend, Yi Gai, spoke on behalf of Li Jinjin’s family in court on October 2. Every word was filled with tears and grievances, recounting how Zhang Xiaoning heartlessly and inhumanely took away the life of the kind lawyer Li Jinjin, causing immense and irreparable pain to Li Jinjin’s family, relatives, and friends.

Yi Gai stated that Li Jinjin suffered imprisonment in China due to differing political views, and his family endured hardships alongside him. After coming to the United States, Li Jinjin underwent the struggles of being a student, working in restaurants, and worked hard to establish a law firm and build a reputable name. He built a home amidst the storms of life with dedication and care for his family, dedicating himself wholeheartedly. He hoped to enjoy the simple pleasures of family life like any ordinary person and dreamt of witnessing democracy in China, a cause he tirelessly dedicated his life to. However, Zhang Xiaoning’s vengeful act cruelly deprived Li Jinjin of the right to fulfill his dreams, including seeing a democratic China.

Yi Gai mentioned the immense pain and difficulties Zhang Xiaoning’s actions brought to Li Jinjin’s family. His family members were devastated, their hearts torn apart, tears washing their faces, with his elderly mother, unaware of his passing, eagerly waiting for her proud son to visit. The entire family suffered in anguish every day without their pillar of support, living in sorrow without joy. The harm inflicted by Zhang Xiaoning was massive and irreparable.

Zhang Xiaoning’s heinous act of murdering a lawyer shocked the United States and the Chinese community in New York. His actions disrupted societal harmony, creating fear and insecurity among the community members, severely threatening social order. Furthermore, Li Jinjin’s untimely death dealt a significant blow to the overseas democracy movement and to individuals aspiring for democracy and freedom. It was requested that Zhang Xiaoning, who showed no remorse, humanity, and refused to confess, be sentenced with the maximum punishment to bring solace to Li Jinjin’s spirit.

Chris Li, a former employee of Li Jinjin’s law firm who wrestled a knife from Zhang Xiaoning, spoke on behalf of Li Jinjin’s friends and the legal community in court. He expressed, “Li Jinjin was brutally taken away from us by Zhang Xiaoning, and the pain and shock of that day have never left me. The impact of this tragedy continues to resonate in my life and in the lives of those close to Li Jinjin.”

Chris stated that Li Jinjin was a respected legal professional, and one fundamental ethical constraint for lawyers is not to engage in fraudulent or illegal activities on behalf of clients. The defendant challenged the very foundation of this principle, resorting to violence when Li Jinjin refused to compromise his morals, a deeply unsettling act. Such an attack not only targeted Li Jinjin but also the values that every lawyer in this country vows to uphold.

“In addition, the defendant’s actions cast a shadow over the legal community, particularly for those who engage in pro bono work. Li Jinjin was a compassionate and selfless lawyer, often providing time and expertise to those unable to afford legal representation. His generosity, along with that of all pro bono lawyers, is critical in ensuring fair treatment for the most vulnerable members of society. However, this senseless act of violence has made many question whether such kindness and goodwill may lead to equally dreadful consequences. It has created a chilling effect, deterring other lawyers from taking on pro bono cases out of concern for their safety.”

Chris highlighted that after Li Jinjin’s death, his law firm was forced to close, hundreds of immigration cases were delayed, and clients who trusted Li Jinjin were left in distress.

“This tragedy has caused emotional harm to those who worked with Li Jinjin, an indescribable pain. The scenes of that day are forever etched in my memory. Li Jinjin unjustly and senselessly perished in what we considered a second home, shattering our sense of security. It will take years, even a lifetime, to cope with the nightmare, anxiety, and guilt of not being able to protect our friend and mentor. The law firm was not just a workplace, it was a family. Losing Li Jinjin in such a cruel and heartless manner has left deep wounds, emotionally and professionally, that will linger with us for life.”

“Requesting the court to consider the far-reaching impact of the defendant’s actions, not only on those who knew and loved Li Jinjin but also on the legal community, his clients, and the public’s trust in the integrity of the legal profession; hoping that after recognizing the severity of this tragedy, steps can be taken to prevent such atrocities from occurring again.”