Eve of the Third Plenary Session: Shanghai Health System Undergoes Intensive Cleaning

On the eve of the upcoming Third Plenary Session of the Chinese Communist Party, the healthcare system is undergoing continuous purges. Recently, an official from the Shanghai Health Commission, two deputy directors of health management centers, and the director of Tongji Hospital, Cheng Yingsheng, are under investigation. Analysts believe that the healthcare system in Shanghai has long been deeply controlled by Jiang Mianheng, targeting the interests of the Jiang Zemin family.

According to a report on the official website of the Chinese Communist Party on June 24th, Cheng Yingsheng, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of Tongji Hospital in Shanghai, is under investigation for serious violations of discipline and laws.

Public records show that Cheng Yingsheng, born in December 1966, has served in various positions in hospitals affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, such as Vice President of the Sixth People’s Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Director of the South Hospital of the Sixth People’s Hospital (Fengxian District Central Hospital), Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the East Hospital of the Sixth People’s Hospital, Vice Dean of the Tenth People’s Hospital of Tongji University, and Director of the Imaging Medical Center. Cheng Yingsheng’s entire career has revolved around multiple hospitals within the “Jiao Tong University system” and the “Tongji University system.”

In addition, according to the website of the Shanghai Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, Tang Zheng, Deputy Director of the Minhang District Health Commission, Chen Jun, Deputy Director of the Chongming District Health Comprehensive Management Service Center, and Chen Chunhong, Deputy Director of the Jing’an District Health Service Management Center in Shanghai, have also been investigated in succession.

On June 18th, Tang Zheng, a member of the Minhang District Health Commission Party Committee and Deputy Director of the District Health Commission, was investigated for serious violations of discipline and laws.

Public records show that Tang Zheng has been working in the Minhang District of Shanghai for a long time, serving as Secretary of the Communist Youth League in Hongqiao Town, Director of the Propaganda and Psychological Warfare Department, among other positions. Since March 2019, Tang Zheng has served as Deputy Director of the Minhang District Health Insurance Bureau; starting in June 2022, she was transferred to serve as Deputy Director of the Minhang District Health Commission in Shanghai. From September 2023, Tang Zheng served as Deputy Director of the Minhang District Health Commission, Director of the District CDC, and member of the District Health Commission Party Committee until the recent investigation.

On May 29th, Chen Jun, Deputy Director of the Chongming District Health Comprehensive Management Service Center in Shanghai, was investigated for suspected violations of laws and regulations.

On March 19th, Chen Chunhong, Deputy Director of the Jing’an District Health Service Management Center in Shanghai, was investigated for suspected violations of laws and regulations.

According to incomplete statistics, as of June 24th this year, at least over 160 senior executives in the healthcare system have been investigated, covering key positions in local health bureaus, health insurance, drug supervision, and top leadership of hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and medical universities.

Among these 160 individuals, over 70 are hospital directors or secretaries, with at least 22 of them being directors or secretaries of top-tier hospitals. Recently, deposed directors or secretaries of top hospitals include Chen Xiaoping, former Party Secretary of the People’s Hospital in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, Liang Tao, former Director of the People’s Hospital in Hechi City, Guangxi Province, and Shang Xiaoming, former Party Secretary and Director of the Workers’ Hospital in Tangshan City, Hebei Province.

Political commentator Li Yanming analyzes that the Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Health and the pharmaceutical industry have long been controlled by Jiang Mianheng and the Shanghai faction, deeply involved in the dark secrets of the COVID-19 pandemic and organ harvesting crimes. Tongji University in Shanghai is an important base for the CCP’s organ harvesting. The downfall of the director of Tongji Hospital this time involves political purges and organ harvesting crimes, highlighting the cleansing of Jiang’s vested interests and a significant escalation of power struggles within the top ranks of the Chinese Communist Party.