Escape quickly when you see this kind of waves while playing in the water by the seaside.

Many people head to the beach to cool off on hot days and enjoy a moment of relaxation in the water. However, when engaging in water activities, besides keeping an eye on the weather changes, one should also be cautious of the dangers brought by the waves. In case you come across a very unusual square wave, which is a sign of imminent danger, you should immediately leave the area to avoid risking your life.

The ocean is a seemingly beautiful yet unpredictable place. At times, it may appear calm on the surface but beneath can be full of hidden dangers, especially for those unfamiliar with sea conditions. The square wave is a perfect example of this.

Waves are typically formed by the wind, but square waves occur when two different directions of waves collide. When two different weather patterns interact, it can give rise to these grid-like waves.

Although these non-parallel waves may look intriguing from the shore, they can be potentially deadly for most swimmers. This is because they can quickly escalate into towering waves up to 10 feet (3 meters) high within minutes, making it challenging for individuals to escape or orient themselves.

Square waves often accompany rip currents, strong outward-flowing currents moving towards the open sea caused by tide pulling water along the beach.

When square waves are spotted, it’s crucial to immediately vacate the area without hesitation.

The European Space Agency has warned that square waves have led to numerous maritime accidents. Therefore, not only swimmers and surfers but also boats should be cautious of the dangers posed by these waves.

According to a study published by the European Space Agency in 2004, a significant proportion of maritime accidents occurred when square waves were present.

Surfers Hype website mentions that square waves, though rare, do occur in coastal regions. Île de Ré in France’s Bay of Biscay is known for experiencing square waves, providing a safe viewing location from the shore at a distance to witness this phenomenon created by the convergence of two distinct waves.

The website further explains that square waves have strong destructive power in deep waters and pose a lesser threat near the coast. However, individuals engaging in swimming and surfing should remain cautious.

Therefore, if you prioritize your safety, it’s advisable to relax on the beach or enjoy the shallow waters instead of risking encountering square waves. ◇

(Editor: Jasmine)



to see visuals of square waves.