Dog knocks on neighbor’s door every day to play with its best friend

Leaving behind a familiar environment and moving to a new community often brings a sense of unknown pressure, and it usually takes time for individuals to adjust before getting back on track. This period of adjustment is commonly known as the “adaptation period,” and it applies not only to humans but also to animals.

In the United States, a mini golden retriever named Fia was among the lucky ones. Fia quickly found a new best friend in the neighborhood – a golden retriever named Pita. Now, these two female dogs are inseparable.

When Nicole and Thai Huynh moved into their new home in Los Angeles, their dog Fia had to leave behind all its previous doggy friends. However, soon after they settled in, Pita warmly visited their new place – a common behavior among dogs, but more importantly, Pita became a great companion during Fia’s crucial adjustment period to the new environment.

From then on, despite their completely opposite personalities, the bond between these two dogs grew stronger each day.

In a YouTube video, Nicole mentioned, “The fluffy Pita has a calm and friendly demeanor with a tolerant attitude towards everyone.” She described Fia as “energetic and a bit temperamental.”

Pita visits her best friend Fia almost every day to play together.

The Huynh family often hears Pita gently knocking on their door with its paw and finds her patiently waiting outside every time.

“We initially thought it might be a delivery person or a neighbor when we heard the soft knocking sound for the first time,” Nicole told Newsweek. “But to our surprise, when we opened the door, we saw Pita sitting there patiently, waiting to come in and play. Its human-like personality traits amazed us – coming to our house alone, knocking politely like a child.”

After some time of trial and error, smart Pita figured out the perfect timing to knock on the door without getting it shut on her. So, as soon as she hears the sound of their car, she knows they are home, and she walks over, knocks, and then enters to play.

When it’s time for Pita to go back home, Nicole said, “I feel sad every time I see her leaving. Fia also watches her leave through the window with a touch of reluctance.”

To ensure they don’t miss Pita’s knocking, the Huynh couple even adjusted the settings of their home security camera to include the animals’ movements. This way, whenever Pita steps into the front yard, they receive a notification.

Not only did this duo of dogs leave a profound impression on their owners, but their deep friendship has also captured the hearts of countless netizens.

A social media user commented, “Oh, I love Pita! The gentle knocking on the door is just too cute.”

Another social media user found it reminiscent of the carefree childhood of the past, writing, “Today’s dogs are living a simple childhood reminiscent of the 80s.”

(Nicole Huynh provided the information)