Director of Music Center: New Tang Dynasty Piano Competition sets an impressive high standard

In a recent interview, Judy Hall expressed her astonishment at the young musicians she witnessed at the New Tang Dynasty International Piano Competition’s “Winners’ Concert.” She emphasized the importance of involving a new generation of young talent in today’s music and art scene, as many early artists are aging and new blood is necessary to keep the art form vibrant and evolving.

Judy Hall, a member of the Kaufman Music Center’s board of directors, marveled at the performances of the competition’s winners during the event held at the Merkin Concert Hall in the Kaufman Music Center in Manhattan, New York from October 14th to 19th. She commended the young pianists for their incredible knowledge, skill, and passion, likening their energy to that of athletes and praising their powerful and emotional performances.

Drawing from her experiences with various international piano competitions through her involvement with the Kaufman Music Center, Hall asserted that the quality of talent showcased at the New Tang Dynasty competition was exceptional. She stressed the importance of continuing classical music education and nurturing a fervor for the genre among aspiring musicians.

Growing up surrounded by classical music due to her mother being a classical pianist, Hall’s deep-rooted love for the genre spurred her to join the Kaufman Music Center’s board of directors to support talented musicians in the classical music realm. She firmly believes in the intrinsic value of classical music as a historical and cultural treasure that must be preserved and passed down to future generations.

While acknowledging the influx of new musical styles and the trend of rapid content consumption facilitated by the internet, Hall cautioned against overlooking the timeless beauty and discipline of classical music. She differentiated between mere performance and true talent, asserting that classical musicians possess a unique skill set acquired through dedication, practice, and mastery that sets them apart from modern trends and transient entertainment.

In the face of a rapidly evolving musical landscape dominated by instant gratification and fleeting trends, Hall emphasized the enduring value of classical music education as the cornerstone of a well-rounded musical foundation. She maintained that classical music training instills a depth of musical understanding and technical proficiency that transcends genres, enabling students to excel in any musical style they choose to pursue, while underscoring the need to prioritize traditional musical education amidst the fast-paced digital era.