Deputy Secretary of State of the US 2758 Resolution Does Not Involve Taiwan’s Status: Response from Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In response to the US Deputy Secretary of State Campbell’s public remarks, regarding the omission of Taiwan’s status in UN Resolution 2758 and the US commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) expressed gratitude for another senior US diplomat publicly pointing out China’s misinterpretation of UN Resolution 2758. The ministry stated that it will continue to collaborate with like-minded countries, including the United States, to uphold peace and stability.

The US House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing on “Great Power Competition in the Indo-Pacific” on September 18th. Regarding the question of whether UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 did not mention Taiwan’s status, US Deputy Secretary of State Campbell agreed and pointed out that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses this resolution as a diplomatic tool to falsely claim the illegitimacy of Taiwan’s status and to suppress Taiwan by interpreting its “one China principle.”

Deputy Secretary Campbell also reiterated the US commitment to Taiwan, its long-term efforts to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and emphasized the bipartisan consensus on this issue within the US.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China issued a press release welcoming and thanking the latest US high-ranking official for publicly pointing out China’s misinterpretation of UN Resolution 2758, following previous statements by Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Mark Lambert and Assistant Secretary Daniel Kritenbrink, and reaffirming bipartisan US support for peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

The Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that, “Apart from the United States, countries with similar values such as Australia and the Netherlands have recently passed resolutions or motions in their parliaments affirming our position that UN Resolution 2758 does not exclude Taiwan.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan urged the international community to take concrete actions to oppose China’s incorrect interpretation of UN Resolution 2758 and refute the fallacy that the so-called “one China principle” is already an international consensus. The Republic of China will continue to cooperate with like-minded countries, including the United States, to jointly uphold peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the Indo-Pacific region.