Comparison of Policies: What Trump and Harris will do after becoming president

In the upcoming US election, Vice President Harris and former President Trump have only engaged in one presidential debate, failing to clearly present their future governance plans to all American voters. With just over a month until Election Day, many voters remain undecided. This article will outline and compare the key policies and positions of the two candidates on all major issues for reference.

Promise to reduce inflation by increasing US energy production, cutting wasteful government spending, and preventing illegal immigration.

Seek to lower commodity prices by ending wars worldwide.

Commit not to cut Social Security and Medicare, including no changes to retirement age.

Strongly believe the President should have at least some say in Federal Reserve monetary policy decisions.

Hope to maintain the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency.

Support the use of cryptocurrencies and oppose creating central bank digital currencies.

Pledge to bring critical supply chains back to the US and sign fair trade agreements.

Promise to reverse the electric vehicle mandate by canceling Biden administration emission regulations for cars.

Propose imposing at least a 60% tariff on goods imported from China and a 10% universal tariff on all imports.

Propose setting a temporary upper limit of around 10% on credit card interest rates.

Call attention to the “opportunity economy” for the middle class.

Recommend federal bans on price-gouging by businesses on food and groceries to combat inflation.

Promise to lower prescription drug costs by collaborating with pharmacy intermediaries who set high costs for consumers.

Propose strengthening Social Security and Medicare by increasing taxes on the wealthy.

Call for raising the minimum wage standard.

Vow not to interfere with Federal Reserve monetary policy decisions.

Propose increasing the tax exemption for new small businesses from $5,000 to $50,000 to promote new business applications and innovation.

Commit to reviving American manufacturing and employment opportunities based on efforts by the Biden administration.

Pledge to permanently enforce provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).

Seek to retain the expanded Child Tax Credit introduced in the TCJA, increasing the maximum benefit for each child under 17 from $1,000 to $2,000.

Hope to reduce the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15%.

Promise to eliminate the tip tax for service and hospitality workers.

Vow to repeal taxes on workers’ overtime pay.

Plan to reduce taxes for the middle class by restoring income tax deductions.

Restore and expand the Child Tax Credit, providing $6,000 in tax relief for families with newborns.

Commit not to raise taxes on individuals earning below $400,000 annually.

Propose raising the highest individual income tax rate to 39.6% for single filers above $400,000 and joint filers above $450,000.

Seek to reverse the Trump administration’s corporate tax cuts, increasing the highest rate from 21% to 28%.

Plan to levy a 28% long-term capital gains tax on individuals with annual incomes over $1 million.

Propose a 25% unrealized capital gains tax on individuals with a net worth exceeding $1 billion.

Promise to repeal the tip tax for service and hospitality workers.

Vow to end the government’s “weaponization.”

Advocate for the creation of a “Government Efficiency Commission” to audit the entire federal government.

Promise to cut 10 government regulations for every new regulation implemented.

Seek to significantly reduce government bureaucracies, including abolishing the Department of Education.

Call for equal application of laws to all, regardless of political affiliation or personal beliefs.

Will hold a national celebration event commemorating the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States.

Hope to establish a federal task force to combat anti-Christian prejudices such as discrimination, harassment, and persecution.

Support mandatory voter identification, paper ballots, proof of citizenship, and same-day voting in elections.

She hopes to promote the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which requires certain jurisdictions to obtain federal approval before making any changes to their voting laws.

Support the Freedom to Vote Act, which establishes automatic same-day voter registration, increases mail-in and early voting, and limits the removal of voters from voter rolls.

Support goals and quotas for diversity, fairness, and inclusivity in government agencies.

She plans to reform the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare,” and has a “concept plan” to replace it.

Promise to protect Medicare and ensure that seniors receive necessary treatment without facing high costs.

Seek to increase transparency and broaden the range of prescription drug choices.

Commit to paying more attention to prevention and management of chronic diseases, long-term care, and welfare flexibility.

Seek to expand the previous Trump administration’s efforts to enhance healthcare options for veterans.

Vow to support unpaid family caregivers through tax breaks and reduced regulations.

Commit to allowing states to make their own decisions on abortion issues.

Advocate for universal coverage of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.

Hope to provide new parents with tax breaks for primary newborn expenses.

She hopes to build on the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to reduce prescription drug costs by capping insulin costs at $35 for all Americans and seniors’ out-of-pocket costs at $2,000.

Propose expanding and strengthening the Affordable Care Act.

Call for the cancellation of millions of Americans’ medical debts and the removal of medical debt from credit reports.

Seek to expand home care services for the elderly and disabled.

Promise to sign congressional legislation to legalize abortion nationwide.

Hope to provide federal protection and insurance for in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.

Support the abolition of the Department of Education.

Seek to cut federal funding for schools teaching critical race theory (CRT) and “gender ideology” while supporting institutions prioritizing project-based learning.

Promote affordable alternatives to traditional four-year college degrees.

Vow to support schools focusing on parents’ rights, end teacher tenure, and implement performance-based teacher salaries.

Seek to implement “universal school choice” nationwide, providing vouchers for students to attend private schools.

Advocate for immediate suspension of students displaying violent behavior.

Will restore the 1776 Commission, promoting “patriotic and impartial citizen education,” and reject efforts to “nationalize” (leftist) “citizen education.”

Seek to reduce the separation of government and education, allowing the right to pray and read the Bible in schools.

Promise to sue schools accused of discriminatory behavior.

Promise to allow parents of homeschooled students to use 529 education savings accounts, spending up to $10,000 per child annually.

Work to ensure that families of homeschooled students can access benefits enjoyed by students who do not homeschool.

Vow to expand childcare and early childhood education opportunities for parents.

Commit to strengthening and expanding public education.

Will continue Biden administration efforts to cancel student loan debt for certain borrowers.

Seek to reduce college education costs by increasing Pell Grant funding.

Commit to additional investment in traditional black colleges and universities.

Propose expanding Biden administration’s college opportunity program, including a $900 increase in Pell Grants.

Support increasing Title I funding, which provides funds to schools with a high percentage of low-income students.

Support the expansion of Title IX. Title IX states that “in the United States, no person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance, on the basis of sex.”

Commit to restoring border policies from the first Trump administration.

Call for completion of the border wall construction and using technology to monitor the border.

Promise to implement the “largest deportation operation in US history.”

Support increasing the number of border patrol agents.

Advocate deploying the US Navy to combat fentanyl smuggling.

Seek to strengthen penalties for illegal border crossings and overstaying of visas.

Hope to reinstate the “Remain in Mexico” and travel ban policies. The “Remain in Mexico” policy requires immigrants seeking US asylum at the US-Mexico border to remain in Mexico pending US adjudication.

Commit to invoking the Foreign Enemies Act, “to expel all known or suspected gang members, drug traffickers, or criminal syndicate members from the US.”

Seek to end child trafficking using the 42nd Amendment. The 42nd Amendment is a border emergency expulsion policy that allows the US government to immediately expel any immigrants who have recently been to countries with infectious diseases and have now reached the US border.

Promise to cut federal funding for sanctuary cities and jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. These “sanctuary cities” or “sanctuary areas” typically protect illegal immigrants, even refusing to hand over suspected criminal illegal immigrants to federal immigration authorities.

Hope to promote a “merit-based immigration” system.

Promise to revoke visas for foreigners who support terrorism and “holy war.”

Hope to automatically grant permanent residency to non-citizen graduates of US colleges and universities.

Promise to push Congress to pass legislation banning sanctuary jurisdictions.

Promise to support border legislation that failed twice in the Senate in 2024, vowing to sign it into law if passed by Congress after her election.

Call for increasing the number of border patrol agents.

Commit to providing nearly $20 billion in funds to hire 4,300 new officers to process refugee asylum, increase screening for illegal drugs, expand detention capacity for ICE, and guarantee legal advice for children crossing the border illegally.

Propose investing in new technologies to prevent fentanyl from entering the US.

Criticize the “broken” US immigration system and propose reforms, including a “path to citizenship.”

Supports providing $8 billion in emergency funds to ICE, including funding to expand detention facility capacity.

Hope to grant conditional permanent resident status to Afghans who fled to the US after the 2021 US military withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Support providing up to 10,000 special immigrant visas to family members of US allies in Afghanistan.

Propose increasing employment-based visas by 13% and family-based visas by 7% by 2030.

Commit to making the US a “manufacturing superpower.”

Seek to enhance the “Buy American, Hire American” policy.

Promise to ensure national independence in essential commodities and services by promoting domestic production.

Seek to revitalize the US auto industry by reducing red tape, canceling the “electric vehicle mandate,” and stopping imports from China.

Support innovative development in artificial intelligence (AI).

Will establish a strong manufacturing base in the near-earth orbit, send US astronauts to the moon and Mars, and strengthen ties with the commercial aerospace sector.

Protect critical infrastructure and industrial bases from cyber attacks.

Protect American workers and farmers from unfair trade practices.

Seek to ensure that the US workforce is prioritized in the immigration system.

Seek to support US manufacturers and workers based on Biden’s Infrastructure Act, CHIP Act, and Technology Act.

Support US leadership in semiconductors, clean energy, artificial intelligence, and other cutting-edge industries.

Promise to “fight for the unions” and sign legislation supporting unions, including the PRO Act and the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act.

Call to increase the federal minimum wage, end subminimum wages for tipped workers and the disabled.

Will expand paid family and sick leave.

States that unfair trade practices by “China or any competitor who harms US worker interests” will not be tolerated.

Promise to reduce mortgage rates by lowering inflation.

Support opening limited federal land for new housing construction.

Will increase homeownership through tax incentives and support for first-time home buyers.

Promise to cut any unnecessary regulations that increase housing costs.

Commit to building 3 million new homes within four years to address the national housing shortage.

Propose reducing red tape to speed up housing construction.

Advocate for Congress to pass legislation to prevent corporate landlords from manipulating housing prices.

Will provide a $25,000 down payment subsidy for first-time homebuyers.

Promise to provide tax incentives for homebuilders constructing affordable housing for first-time homebuyers.

Promise to lift restrictions on US energy production to make energy more abundant and affordable.

Call for the US to become a “major energy-producing nation in the world.”

Will increase oil drilling on public lands and provide tax breaks for oil, natural gas, and coal producers.

Hope to repeal incentives and regulations promoting electric cars over traditional vehicles.

Promise to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement.

Promise to increase energy production from all sources, including nuclear power.

Promise to lower household energy costs and create millions of energy jobs.

Promote “environmental justice.”

Will continue to invest in infrastructure for renewable energy projects.

Vow to hold polluters accountable for air and water pollution.

Promise to protect public lands and public health, and enhance resilience to climate disasters.

Acknowledging climate change as a threat to survival.

Changed her position on hydraulic fracturing, now supporting it. Hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, is a commonly used technique in oil extraction processes.

Praised the increase in domestic oil production by the Biden administration and stated that the US should not overly rely on foreign oil.

“Rapidly restore legal order in the US” and public safety, and “stand with law enforcement heroes.”

Promise to provide “record levels of funding” to police departments, hire new officers, and protect them from “frivolous lawsuits.”

Promise to strengthen penalties for attacks on law enforcement and “dispatch federal prosecutors and the National Guard to high-crime community.”

Supports the legalization of marijuana and the Third Amendment to the Florida Constitution, which would legalize adult recreational marijuana use.

Emphasized the progressive approach she took toward reforming the justice system as the San Francisco area prosecutor, including opposition to the death penalty and reducing repeat offenses for non-violent offenders.

Emphasized her support for a minimum 90-day imprisonment for gun violence offenders holding concealed or loaded weapons.

Defended the “defund the police” movement in 2020 but began expressing opposition to “defund the police” after joining the Biden campaign team a few months later.

Supports establishing a national registry to track police misconduct, called the “National Law Enforcement Accountability Database.”

Supports the legalization of marijuana.

Will “forever defend the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.”

Previously banned the use of bump stocks at the end of 2018 during the first Trump administration; the ban was overturned by the federal appeals court in January 2023 during the Biden administration.

Repealed a law requiring the Social Security Administration (SSA) to send mental health information to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

Supports the “red flag law” and said, “Take the guns first, go through due process later.” The “red flag law” allows state courts to temporarily confiscate firearms or other dangerous weapons from individuals believed to pose a danger.

Critique of Republicans supporting the 2022 gun control bill.

Vow to repeal regulations on pistol braces and revoke Biden’s “zero tolerance” policy, allowing revocation of federal licenses for firearms dealers who violate gun laws.

Promise to overturn all administrative orders from the Biden administration that restrict gun owners and manufacturers.

Stated that she “supports the Second Amendment” and “supports sensible gun safety laws.”

Call for universal background checks on gun purchases.

Support the red flag law.

Blames the increase in campus shootings on existing gun laws.

Support two-state solution for Israel and Palestine.

Commit to ensuring strategic independence from China.

Promise to gradually stop importing essentials from China.

Commit to revoking China’s “most favored nation status.”

Promise to ban Chinese citizens from buying American real estate and industry.

Propose a minimum 60% tariff on products imported from China, with tariffs on electric cars potentially higher.

Vow to break the growing alliance between China and Russia.

Commit to combating the increasing threats posed by Communist China through strength, rebuilding the US military and alliances, and countering Communist China.

Promise to prevent the Chinese Communist Party from eroding US jobs and manufacturing through unfair trade practices.

Vow to ensure that “America, not China,” wins the tech race.

Agree with managing US-China relations “responsibly,” including maintaining open communication channels with Beijing.

In 2020, stated that addressing China’s “dreadful human rights record” must be a prominent feature of US policy towards China.

Oppose Trump’s plan to increase tariffs on Chinese goods but has not commented on the Biden administration’s continuation of tariffs on Chinese goods from the Trump era.

Support Taiwan’s right to defend itself against the Chinese Communist threat.

Stand with India and Australia in the Indo-Pacific region.

Stated that a defeat for Ukraine against Russia in war would mean that “all of Europe would be threatened.”

Believe Israel should always be able to defend itself, but “how to do that is important.”

Stressed that the US should not remain silent about the “tragedy” faced by the Palestinians in Gaza during the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Supports negotiations for a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas.

Support the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine.

Commit to ensuring a strategic independent posture from Communist China.

Commit to stopping essential imports from China gradually.

Commit to ending China’s “most favored nation treatment.”

Commit to banning China citizens from purchasing US real estate and industry.

Propose imposing at least a 60% tariff on products imported from China, with tariffs potentially higher for electric vehicles.

Vow to break the growing alliance between China and Russia.

Commit to countering China through strength, rebuilding the US military and alliances, to confront Communist China.

Vow to prevent the unfair trade practices of the Chinese Communist Party from harming US jobs and manufacturing.

Commit to ensuring that “America, not China” wins the tech race.

Pledge to “fight for unions” and sign legislation supporting unions, including the PRO Act and the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act.

Call for raising the federal minimum wage, ending subminimum wages for tipped workers and the disabled.

Will expand paid family leave and sick leave.

Promise to not tolerate “China or any competitor who harms US worker interests” with unfair trade practices.

Commit to lowering mortgage interest rates by reducing inflation.

Support opening limited federal lands for new housing construction.

Will increase homeownership through tax incentives and support for first-time homebuyers.

Promise to reduce any unnecessary regulations that drive up housing costs.

Commit to building 3 million new homes within four years to solve the national housing shortage.

Propose reducing red tape on housing construction to increase speed.

Advocate for legislation to prevent corporate landlords from price gouging.

Will provide a $25,000 down payment subsidy for first-time homebuyers.

Promise to provide tax breaks for homebuilders constructing affordable housing for first-time homebuyers.

Promise to end Chinese threats to US jobs and manufacturing.

Call for the US to become a “major energy producer in the world”.

Propose ensuring national independence in essential goods and services by promoting domestic production.

Seek to revitalize the US auto industry by reducing bureaucracy, canceling the “electric vehicle mandate,” and counteracting imports from China.

Support innovative development in artificial intelligence (AI).

Will establish a strong manufacturing base in near-earth orbit, send US astronauts to the moon and Mars, and strengthen connections with the commercial aerospace sector.

Promise to protect critical infrastructure and industrial bases from cyber attacks.

Promise to protect American workers and farmers from the impact of unfair trade practices.

Seek to prioritize US workers in the immigration system.

Seek to support US manufacturers and workers based on Biden’s Infrastructure Act, CHIP Act, and Technology Act.

Support US leadership in semiconductors, clean energy, artificial intelligence, and other cutting-edge industries.

Promise to “fight for unions” and sign legislation supporting unions, including the PRO Act and the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act.

Call for raising the federal minimum wage, ending subminimum wages for tipped workers and the disabled.

Will expand paid family leave and sick leave.

Says she will not tolerate “unfair trade practices from China or any competitor that harms US worker interests.”

Promise to reduce mortgage rates by lowering inflation.

Support opening limited federal lands for new housing constructions.

Will increase homeownership through tax incentives and support for first-time homebuyers.

Promise to reduce any unnecessary regulations that increase housing costs.

Commit to building 3 million new homes within four years to address the national housing shortage.

Propose reducing red tape to speed up housing construction.

Advocate for Congress to pass legislation to prohibit corporate landlords from manipulating housing prices.

Promise to provide a $25,000 down payment subsidy for first-time