Commemoration of the War of Resistance: The Patriotic Singing Competition will be held by the Los Angeles Chinese Singers Association on July 7th.

On June 25th, the Los Angeles International Outstanding People Association and the Southern California Branch of the Chinese Veterans Association held a press conference at the Los Angeles Overseas Chinese Cultural and Educational Center. They announced the upcoming third annual “International Outstanding People Cup Patriotic Song Singing Competition” to commemorate the 87th anniversary of the July 7th Incident.

President Cao Jingyong of the Outstanding People Association mentioned that on July 7, 1937, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident marked the beginning of the eight-year bloody resistance of the Chinese nation. To honor this historical period and the patriotic spirit of “Every inch of the land is an inch of blood, one hundred thousand youths and one hundred thousand soldiers,” the competition is organized not only to pay respect to the fallen heroes but also to awaken the patriotic sentiments of overseas Chinese and educate the younger generation about the history of the war against Japan.

To attract more participants to the patriotic song singing competition, new Taiwanese patriotic songs have been added to the repertoire, such as “Only by Fighting Can You Win” and “Happy Sailing,” along with special awards encouraging contestants to showcase creativity in costume, styling, and stage performance. The “Most Popular Award” will be determined by on-site audience voting.

Yang Zhennan, the Chairman of the Southern California Branch of the Chinese Veterans Association, is a former music teacher at the Guoguang Arts School and has recorded several military song albums, including the famous “Night Raid.” He emphasized that the competition aims to promote patriotism and convey a sense of duty. Many contestants participate not just for the competition but to uphold the spirit of patriotism. Yang has served as a judge for two consecutive competitions and will not be absent this time.

Executive Director Chen Feihu of the Veterans Association has also registered to compete, intending to sing “Blue Sky, White Clouds” to introduce patriotic songs to young people in a lively and cheerful manner. While Executive Director Wang Beining did not register to compete, he expressed full support for the singing competition and urged friends in Southern California who love the Republic of China and enjoy singing to participate. The event has garnered support from many compatriots, with the oldest contestant currently over 80 years old, participating to express the spirit of perseverance and determination.

The singing competition will take place from 1 pm to 5 pm on July 7th at the Overseas Chinese Center in Los Angeles. The competition is divided into male and female categories, with three winners selected from each category. In addition to the main awards, there are also “Most Popular Award” and “Best Costume and Performance Design Award” categories. Contestants are required to sing designated songs provided by the organizers, including patriotic and wartime songs.

Residing in Southern California and identifying with the Republic of China, overseas Chinese are eligible to register. Each contestant must bring two self-prepared muted CDs and pay a registration fee of $35. Judges will evaluate contestants based on vocal tone, technique, emotion, stage presence, and costume to ensure fairness and professionalism in the competition.

For registration inquiries, interested individuals can contact President Cao Jingyong of the Los Angeles International Outstanding People Association at 626-261-9223 or Secretary General Yang Zhennan at 626-747-5102.