Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Peaceful Appeal on “4.25”: Falun Gong Practitioners in San Francisco Hold Candlelight Vigil

Hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese consulate in San Francisco on April 20 (last Saturday) to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the peaceful appeal by over ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners to the State Appeals Office in Beijing on April 25, 1999.

Twenty-five years ago, the appeal by Falun Gong practitioners was the largest peaceful appeal in China’s history, which shook the world and was hailed as “the largest, most rational, peaceful, and successful appeal in China’s history.” Subsequently, Falun Gong has been brutally suppressed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), with the persecution still ongoing to this day.

Every year on “4.25,” Falun Gong practitioners in San Francisco hold commemorative activities, remembering the countless practitioners who have been brutally persecuted to death over the past two decades, and calling for an end to the CCP’s persecution while urging people worldwide to collectively end the CCP’s tyranny.

As the sun set on that day, the area in front of the Chinese consulate in San Francisco was bustling with cars and people coming and going. Many Falun Gong practitioners showcased the five sets of Falun Gong exercises accompanied by peaceful music, while some practitioners held banners displaying messages such as “Falun Dafa is good,” “April 25 Peaceful Appeal builds a monument of human morality,” “The world needs Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance,” and “Together stop the CCP’s forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners,” among others. With nightfall, Falun Gong practitioners lit candles, sat on the sidewalk, and quietly mourned the deceased practitioners.

Falun Gong practitioner Heather Wang, who was present at the April 25, 1999 appeal in Beijing, recalled her experience. She mentioned arriving at the State Appeals Office around eight or nine in the morning and leaving as night fell. She described the scene as very quiet, with many people reading Falun Gong books or explaining the truth about Falun Gong to the police. Initially, the police were nervous and stern, constantly patrolling. However, after an hour or two, their expressions visibly relaxed, their pace became more leisurely, and they even gathered to chat in small groups.

Around six or seven in the evening, someone informed them that the issue had been peacefully resolved, and everyone could safely return home. Wang recalled a foreign journalist carrying a camera remarking to a companion that the number of Falun Gong practitioners at the appeal was definitely more than ten thousand, as the departing queue stretched from the entrance to Zhongnanhai all the way to Beihai Park.

Wang noted that the scene of everyone leaving left a deep impression on her. As people left, their first action was to clean up and take away nearby trash and litter. Many buses arrived at Zhongnanhai, and people orderly lined up to board them; one after another, the buses left. In less than half an hour, only a few of them remained in the square.

“That scene was like a brightly lit night in Beijing, bustling with crowds and cars. And then, suddenly, the crowd disappeared without a trace,” she said. She was astonished and deeply moved by the sight, mentioning that no one was giving orders, and everyone was self-disciplined and conscious – this was the power of belief. Whenever the anniversary of April 25 comes around, thinking of this scene fills her with deep emotions.

Zheng Yonghua, who left mainland China for the United States last July, expressed his support for Falun Gong practitioners protesting against the CCP’s tyranny. He stated that Falun Gong practitioners worldwide adhere to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, yet in China, they are even deprived of the right to practice their exercises. The CCP is an evil dictatorship. He thanked his Falun Gong friends for persistently spreading the truth and exposing the crimes of the CCP. As long as the Communist Party exists, there will be no religious freedom in China, and the world will lack peace.

Mr. Li, who had just arrived in the U.S. fifteen days ago, expressed his delight at coming to the land of freedom. He recalled learning only negative propaganda about Falun Gong while in elementary school. It was only upon arriving in the U.S. that he realized Falun Gong is permitted to exist here. He acknowledged the democratic freedoms in the U.S. while condemning the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP. He believed that it was the CCP’s consistent propaganda that led to Falun Gong practitioners being unable to survive in China.

Marco, who practices yoga and appreciates the meditation exercises of Falun Gong, expressed that meditation helps relieve stress and keep the mind clear. He emphasized the importance of adhering to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, stating that persecution is wrong, people should have freedom of thought and belief.

Teachers Hanter Jevae and his wife Ciera Jevae, passing by the peaceful petition scene of Falun Gong practitioners, were deeply moved. Jevae remarked, “The power of silence is strong. The principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance can guide people on the right path.” Upon first learning about the CCP’s forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners, Jevae expressed shock and sadness, stating, “It is a tragedy, people should have freedom; I support their freedom of belief.”

His wife Ciera added, “The scene of their petition is very powerful, and I especially admire the compassion within the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Our society today severely lacks this value, and we greatly need this principle.”

New practitioner Liu Yingying, from Dalian, has been practicing Falun Gong for three years. She initially tried practicing due to acute gallbladder inflammation miraculously being cured, which led her onto her spiritual path. She mentioned that in her interactions with Falun Gong practitioners, she observed that they are not influenced by others’ attitudes and always treat others consistently, always willing to help when needed.

She also noticed that Falun Gong practitioners remain calm and emotionally stable when faced with difficulties. Their internal and external displays of these qualities greatly impressed her and made her feel at ease being around Falun Gong practitioners. She expressed gratitude for the practice, as it not only healed her physical ailments but also provided her with an understanding of the meaning of life.

She urged young people not to resort to extremes when facing pressure, as there may be a guiding light nearby, and hoped that more people would find the meaning of life.

One of the event organizers, Kerry Huang, reflected on the peaceful appeal by tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners years ago as incredibly peaceful, rational, without slogans or banners – from start to finish, people were calm and followed police instructions. However, despite the kindness of these people, they have faced various persecutions since 1999, including forced organ harvesting, and the persecution of good people continues.

She called on more people to understand the truth about Falun Gong, urged the CCP to immediately stop persecuting Falun Gong, and appealed to people from all walks of life to join in stopping the persecution.