Chu Yiding: The Power Struggle between Left and Right Behind the Anti-Semitic Wave and the CCP’s Hidden Hands

In the wake of the outbreak of the Hamas War on October 7 last year, there has been a division and even extreme opposition in the Western world on how to solve the Middle East issue. The reasons for this opposition are not only the result of the extreme left-wing trend in Western society but also the sinister influence of the Chinese Communist Party.

As the summer break arrives for major universities and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict enters its final stages, it is estimated that the movements protesting against Israel and Jews will gradually decline. However, as the surface waves recede, the traces left on the shore are not difficult to see, revealing the agitators hidden behind all this commotion.

Throughout the Hamas War period, various anti-Israel voices emerged in the West. The most notable among them were the students at major American universities who set up tents and staunchly defended the pro-Palestinian stance. While these students passionately advocate for peace, many of them do not truly understand the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Former New York City Mayor Giuliani shared a video online showing two students from Columbia University participating in a pro-Palestinian protest in New York. However, when asked what they were protesting about, they admitted that they didn’t know and wished they had more information.

Renowned political satire commentator Greg Gutfeld from Fox News even brought on a young man wearing a Hamas-themed shirt on his show. When asked why he was wearing the Hamas logo, his response was shockingly superficial, claiming that girls like bad boys, and wearing Hamas gear attracts the girls’ attention.

During interviews with these students, the New York Post found that many protesters chant slogans like “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” without fully understanding the true meaning behind these words. While these young people wave the flag of humanitarianism, calling for a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine, they don’t realize that this slogan is actually a public declaration by Hamas, a terrorist organization, to completely eradicate Israel between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

Regarding the impulsive demonstrations of the students, the New York Post published a highly ironic article titled “Expert interpretation: The reason for pro-Palestine protests comes from ‘long-withheld rage’ from COVID lockdowns”. It cited an expert arguing that these young people were actually repressed during the pandemic and needed an outlet, with the Hamas War providing them an opportunity to express their frustrations. Thus, they rushed in and became pawns for others.

Amid the pro-Palestine protests sweeping across the United States, a particularly interesting figure has emerged – Mosab Hassan Yousef, known as the “Son of Hamas”. His father was a prominent Hamas leader, and despite supporting his father in various Hamas activities from a young age, Mosab later converted to Christianity, started working for the Israeli intelligence agency, and published a memoir in 2010 titled “Son of Hamas” based on his experiences.

In the widespread anti-American, anti-Israel, and pro-Palestinian protests, Mosab bravely stepped forward to expose the terrorist atrocities committed by Hamas on television and online. In many debates with pro-Hamas advocates, Mosab emerged victorious, leaving those supporters speechless. Many radical individuals who passionately champion their cause in public, once confronted by Mosab, were revealed to be extremely ignorant about the Israeli-Palestinian history and naive in their views on Hamas as a terrorist organization.

The program hosted by British television and online presenter Piers Morgan also stood out in the pro-Palestinian wave by seeking truth through sharp debates between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli sides, allowing viewers to draw their own conclusions.

During the course of hosting the program, Morgan often posed a question to the pro-Palestinian “humanitarian” advocates: Do you condemn the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians on October 7 last year? Laughably, many protesters who vocally champion “humanity” and “peace” refused to condemn Hamas’ terrorist attacks on civilians.

How can those who refuse to condemn terrorist attacks on civilians claim to uphold humanitarian values?

One significant reason why various levels of the U.S. government finally took action to forcibly clear the prolonged occupation of protest camps on university campuses was the transition of the protests from pro-Palestinian to pro-Hamas. While advocating for Palestine can be seen as a call for peace, supporting Hamas constitutes genocidal anti-Semitic acts openly backing a terrorist organization. Therefore, the U.S. government could not turn a blind eye to this.

An undeniable issue is how the transition from pro-Palestinian to pro-Hamas, from seeking peace to supporting terrorism, occurred. Who were the driving forces behind this shift?

The Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI), based in New Jersey, United States, specializes in studying misinformation and false information on the internet. According to their report released in May this year, Chinese Communist Party’s influence lurks behind the pro-Palestine protests in the United States.

The article titled “Contagious Disruption: How CCP Influence and Radical Ideologies Threaten Critical Infrastructure and Campuses Across the United States” exposes how the Chinese Communist Party uses sympathetic Western organizations to infiltrate American society from a distance, aiming to disrupt it with malicious intent.

In the recent wave of anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish sentiments, seven radical organizations have notably made loud names for themselves:

1. The People’s Forum

2. Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER Coalition)

The full name of ANSWER is: Act Now to Stop War and End Racism.

3. International People’s Assembly

4. Al-Awda NY (The Return Rights of New York Palestinians)

5. National Students for Justice in Palestine

6. Palestinian Youth Movement

7. Palestinian American Community Center NJ

These seven organizations are components of “Shut It Down for Palestine” (SID4P), aiming to raise awareness of the Palestinian issue through activities like blocking traffic and targeting businesses to garner public attention.

Neville Roy Singham, an American billionaire based in Shanghai, is the primary funder behind the “Shut It Down for Palestine” organization. Singham’s wife, Jodie Evans, is a co-founder of the leftist anti-war organization Code Pink.

According to the Network Contagion Research Institute’s report, the website for the People’s Forum, a subsidiary of “Shut It Down,” openly referred to the wealthy Singham as a “Marxist comrade” and claimed he was their main source of funding.

In March 2021, Chinese state media reported on strategic cooperation between East China Normal University’s School of Communication and Shanghai Makcov Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., funded by Singham. Makcov’s website shows young people gathering in Singham’s office, with a red banner reading “follow the Party forever” and a picture of Chinese leader Xi Jinping in the background. Singham also founded the news agency “Dongsheng News” disseminating pro-CCP content in foreign languages.

In September 2021, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio wrote to the Department of Justice requesting an investigation into the relationship between Singham-funded leftist organizations and the Chinese Communist Party.

According to the Network Contagion Research Institute report, since November last year, “Shut It Down for Palestine” has been using pro-Palestine as a reason to conduct activities that threaten critical infrastructure across the U.S. Some of these activities include:

– Blocking traffic in Midtown Manhattan on November 9, 2023
– Shutting down the Blackstone company’s headquarters in Manhattan on November 9, 2023
– Surrounding the Fox News headquarters on November 17, 2023
– Surrounding the Macy’s store in New York on November 24, 2023
– Closing down Wall Street on December 8, 2023
– Closing Kennedy Airport in New York and Los Angeles International Airport on December 26, 2023
– Blocking the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, and Holland Tunnel in New York on January 8, 2024
– Disrupting a Biden fundraiser attended by former Presidents Clinton and Obama on March 28, 2024
– Nationwide protest actions on March 30, 2024
– Participating in protests near Columbia University’s campsite on April 17, 2024

For over a decade, Chinese official and semi-official think tanks have discussed the best timing for the reunification of Taiwan by force. They openly stated that once three military conflicts occur simultaneously around the world, the timing for China to forcibly reunify Taiwan will be ripe. These conflicts include Russia and NATO, Israel and Muslim nations in the Middle East, and North Korea and South Korea in Northeast Asia.

Since the Hamas terrorist attacks last October, anti-Semitic and pro-CCP forces have emerged all around the Western world, disrupting the normal functioning of Western society almost overnight. Were all these activities launched independently, or is there a coordinated global effort at play? What is the ultimate goal?

The signs are there, and with the international community facing challenges to defend peace and protect freedom that require significant efforts, it is vital for good-hearted individuals to realize the critical moment arrived today.