“Chinese government no longer mentions ‘Made in China 2025,’ netizens: exaggerating achievements”

In May 19, 2015, nine years ago, the State Council of the Chinese Communist Party officially issued the first ten-year action plan for the implementation of the so-called “Made in China 2025” strategy.

According to official statements, the main contents of “Made in China 2025” include: innovation-driven, prioritizing quality, green development, structural optimization, talent-driven as strategic guidelines, condensed into 9 major strategic tasks, further refined into 5 major projects, namely: construction of manufacturing innovation centers, intelligent manufacturing, industrial foundation strengthening, green manufacturing, and high-end equipment manufacturing.

Those who have been following “Made in China 2025” must still remember that after the release of this document, the authorities once touted it as an important document guiding the development of China’s manufacturing industry, likening it to China’s version of “Industry 4.0” plan, depicting a grand blueprint for China’s transition from a manufacturing powerhouse to a manufacturing powerhouse.

Now, with only one year left until the deadline for “Made in China 2025,” what exactly has this grand blueprint portrayed? Some observant netizens have noticed that in recent years, the authorities have almost stopped mentioning the once highly publicized “Made in China 2025.”

Why is that?

When someone raised this question on the Zhihu website, it sparked many comments. Some netizens said: “Big goals, but no implementation plans and details.”

“Because 2025 is approaching.”

“Don’t talk about Made in China 2025, first tell me what beneficial things you have created for humanity by yourself in any year?”

“The bluff has been exposed.”

“Internationally, it has become tiresome due to excess production capacity.”

“The slogans are no longer effective.”

“Have some shame?”

“When it’s time, they start forgetting.”

“They don’t dream on TV anymore.”

“I was ready to cook braised pork, but couldn’t find any meat, so what’s the point.”

“If others didn’t teach you the low-end manufacturing industry, you’d still be farming. What technology in manufacturing have you invented?”

“Western countries can rely on their technological and scientific advantages to earn large price differentials and profits. Since we have surpassed the West now, stating early development as the reason is no longer valid. If we have surpassed them, why aren’t we living a life with high wages, good benefits, and frequent vacations?”

“No one believes in these concepts anymore because they never truly achieved them.”

“It was fake from the start.”

“The cake isn’t even fully baked, now they are talking about some high-quality productivity…”

“It’s a stillbirth.”

“They are nearly out of tricks, and they still dare to bring it up?”

“Leading the way in boasting.”

“Bro, why bring up that pot that’s not running?”

“All unfinished projects.”

“Is manufacturing low-end products even meaningful? International giants are leaving one after another, what are we manufacturing?”

“It’s about to blow up in a few days.”