Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine Victims: Government Dodges Responsibility by Forcing Inoculation

In China, victims of adverse reactions caused by the COVID-19 vaccine firmly believe that their disabilities or deaths are vaccine-related, however, they find themselves helpless, struggling to seek justice, and appealing to the whole society for attention.

Recently, COVID-19 vaccine victims across China have issued pleas to society, stating that they were indirectly coerced into receiving the vaccine, sacrificing their lifelong health. Some have even lost their lives, yet they have not received the dignity and moral recognition they deserve.

Their rescue pleas state, “We are a special group. In various regions, relevant government departments have forced or indirectly forced the public to receive the COVID-19 vaccine for the sake of achievements, depriving individuals of the right to choose whether to receive the vaccine. They are not allowed to attend school, work, or enter supermarkets without receiving the vaccine, completely contradicting the principle of ‘informed, voluntary consent’ issued by the National Health Commission.”

The plea accuses that any vaccine undergoes numerous animal and clinical trials, and safety and effectiveness cannot be guaranteed without more than ten years of time. However, the COVID-19 vaccine was launched to the market within a few months. They were healthy and lively before vaccination, with some having health examination reports prior to vaccination. After vaccination, they developed various dreadful diseases and terminal illnesses, such as hypersensitivity reactions and targeted mutation adverse reactions, which should be categorized as “cases of adverse reactions related to abnormalities with causal factors over time.”

Despite this, local disease control centers, medical associations, abnormal reaction investigation and diagnosis expert groups, and identification expert groups, following the usual practice of internal deliberation, and unified statements during press conferences, dismiss any link between so-called “coincidental symptoms” and vaccine inoculation to evade responsibility.

The plea urges the government and relevant departments to perfect the “vaccine injury compensation assistance mechanism,” with government compensation for one type of vaccine (mandatory) and manufacturer compensation for the second type (voluntary). Respect life, equality for all, same treatment for the same illness, same value for the same life, and a unified national compensation standard.

Reporters tried calling the initiator Qian Dalong, but there was no response.

On October 14th, Rights Defender Network reported that Qian Dalong, a COVID-19 vaccine victim and human rights defender in Beijing, was under 24-hour surveillance and had his freedom restricted, facing daily police harassment.

Qian Dalong, a resident of Chaoyang District in Beijing, suffered from post-stroke complications due to the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine. He has been suppressed twice during his advocacy for rights related to vaccine-induced deaths, illnesses, and disabilities. Due to his disability, he is unable to work normally and faces severe financial difficulties and lack of medical resources.

Earlier reports by Epoch Times showed that among the COVID-19 vaccine victims, the largest group were those who had received vaccines produced by Sinovac Biotech Ltd. After vaccination, they developed conditions such as leukemia, diabetes, cerebral hemorrhage, and stroke, causing indescribable pain for families, affecting individuals of all ages.

In June of this year, Qian Dalong and others submitted a petition to the National Petition Bureau proposing the establishment of a “COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Protection and Assistance Mechanism,” collecting nearly three thousand cases of COVID-19 vaccine victims, requesting the government to set up a special relief fund for pre-treatment for abnormal reactions following vaccination, including full compensation for accommodation, living expenses, and loss of income during treatment.

Reporters contacted the family of the deceased victim Liu Zhao. Liu’s mother confirmed that after receiving the second dose of the vaccine in Jixian County in 2022, Liu began to have frequent fevers. However, there was no compensation, and no one took responsibility as “they do not acknowledge the vaccine’s accountability, claiming it’s merely coincidental reactions.” Heartbroken and desperate, Liu’s mother expressed her reluctance to speak further.

Mr. Li, the husband of the deceased victim Wang Miao, shared their experiences with reporters. After receiving two doses of the vaccine on February 19 and March 12, 2021, Wang felt uncomfortable. However, due to strict lockdown measures in the country at that time, they did not dare to seek medical help. In October of the same year, she was hospitalized for lung infections, subsequently developing severe blood clots.

Mr. Li mentioned that the vaccine policy allowed for informed consent or voluntary vaccination, but the actual execution at the grassroots level necessitated compliance. In Beijing, within the community or school groups, everyone was required to undergo testing, including nucleic acid tests. Failure to do so would be reported in the community groups or broadcasted within villages.

Due to the necessity for children to attend school and adults to go shopping, along with misinformed confidence in the vaccine’s safety promoted by experts, Wang Miao and her husband reluctantly took the vaccine. Both experienced severe adverse reactions to the vaccine.

He reminisced that hospitals were aware of the situation but instructed not to mention vaccine-related matters. Suspicions arose as Wang was previously active and healthy in extreme fitness activities. However, post-vaccination, she developed severe symptoms. Despite various tests and treatments across renowned hospitals in Beijing, no significant improvements were observed. Eventually, it was diagnosed as MDS blood cancer.

Mr. Li noted a study by Shanghai Tongji University published in the medical journal “Cell Discovery,” revealing extreme blood clotting disorders and immune system suppression in healthy individuals post-COVID vaccination.

He firmly believes that current national authorities deny the adverse reactions caused by the vaccines. The family, once leading a content life, is now bereft with economic pressures, educational concerns for their children, and psychological turmoil. He emphasized that they hope for a proper resolution to their plight, which originated from manmade decisions.

Public records show that production of the Sinovac vaccine was halted in January 2024. In April 2024, the former chairman and chief scientist of China National Biotech, Yang Xiaoming, who developed and marketed the first COVID-19 inactivated vaccine in China, fell from grace.

Regarding the compensation for vaccine-induced disabilities and deaths, “Vaccine Rights” advocate channels informed reporters that compensation is available in foreign countries. However, the incomplete legal framework in China handles vaccine-related issues ineffectively, with the responsibility falling on the Health Commission. Despite the lack of legal compensation for vaccine damages in the country, there is only assistance. Courts refuse to handle such cases, pushing victims to resort to petitions, which are often futile. Victims of vaccine adverse effects endure suppression, persecution, detentions, and even imprisonment.

On the morning of October 14th, video footage captured by COVID-19 vaccine victims on the streets of Beijing showed a group of police officers forcibly dragging away a woman who was petitioning for her grievances.

Also on the same day, Zhang Jinchang, who developed Guillain-Barre Syndrome after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, protested in front of the Shenzhen Health Commission, using a megaphone to advocate, “COVID-19 vaccine induces diseases and disabilities, our lives matter, the fight for justice continues…”

(End of translation)