Chinese Communist Party sets up floating buoys in the waters around Japan, Japan expresses regret.

The Japanese government announced on Friday (July 5) that it has confirmed the placement of a buoy by the Chinese Communist Party in the southern Pacific continental shelf off the coast of Japan. This action could further deteriorate bilateral relations. Beijing claims that the installation of the buoy is for monitoring tsunamis and has no intention of violating Japan’s sovereignty.

According to the report by Nikkei Shimbun on Friday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshi played the news conference on Friday and expressed regret that China had set up a small buoy in the waters north of Shikoku Island, the western main island of Japan, and Okinotori Island, the southernmost island, without explaining its purpose and other details.

The Japanese government has urged China not to harm Japan’s maritime interests. However, the response from the Chinese government is that the installation of the buoy is for tsunami monitoring and not intended to infringe on Japan’s sovereignty over the continental shelf.

Sources within the Japanese government confirmed that China’s large buoy operation vessel “Yangyang Hong 22” set up the buoy while crossing Japan’s exclusive economic zone in the mid-June. The international waters in question are surrounded by Japan’s exclusive economic zone.

Last July, China set up another buoy in Japan’s exclusive economic zone, near the uninhabited Senkaku Islands controlled by Japan, causing protests from the Japanese government which demanded its immediate removal.

It is reported that China has been increasing military activities in the area and maintaining a strong stance. The Japanese government has protested against multiple Chinese ships entering the waters around the Senkaku Islands.