Chinese Communist Party Expands Attack on Taiwan, Several U.S. Lawmakers Condemn

Recently, the Chinese authorities announced new regulations regarding Taiwan, which were condemned by the United States’ executive and legislative branches. Some lawmakers expressed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) poses the greatest threat to our freedom and way of life, and these new regulations once again demonstrate its brutality and stubbornness.

The Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, and the Ministry of Justice of the CCP jointly issued a set of 22 “opinions” last Friday (June 21), clearly defining the norms for pursuing the criminal responsibility of “Taiwan independence elements” according to the Anti-Secession Law, the Criminal Law, and the Criminal Procedure Law.

The “opinions” redefined the crime of “splitting the country,” including actions such as advocating for Taiwan to join international organizations open only to sovereign states, or engaging in official exchanges and military contacts with other countries.

Of particular concern to the international community is the part of the regulations that specify sentencing guidelines. Individuals identified by the CCP as “key figures or major offenders” can be sentenced to life imprisonment or more than ten years of fixed-term imprisonment, with the possibility of the death penalty. Additionally, those accused of “inciting to split the country” as determined by the CCP can also face a minimum sentence of over five years.

In response to the new CCP regulations on Taiwan, Chairman of the Democratic Party Representative Ami Bera of the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific stated in an interview with Voice of America on Wednesday (26th), “I think this is a bit of an overreach. It must be emphasized once again that the future should be chosen by the people of Taiwan.”

Democratic federal congressman Jake Auchincloss from Massachusetts pointed out that the new regulations punishing Taiwan independence supporters, including the death penalty, demonstrate that “the CCP is fomenting instability.”

“This is part of a pattern of escalating hostility from the CCP towards Taiwan, highlighting Taiwan’s commitment to maintaining the status quo, while China (CCP) is gradually seeking to change the situation through military gray zone intrusions, economic and diplomatic pressures to isolate Taiwan globally, and the use of transnational repression,” Auchincloss said.

Republican federal congressman Carlos Gimenez from Florida believes that CCP leader Xi Jinping is working on building his political legacy. Auchincloss concurs with Gimenez’s view, stating, “Xi Jinping sees unifying Taiwan as part of his political legacy. I believe he values this more than the economic well-being of his people or other priorities.”

Gimenez emphasized that such brutality exemplifies what a communist authoritarian regime is capable of. “Under a communist dictatorship, you cannot have free thought,” Gimenez said. “Therefore, I one hundred percent support Taiwan. I have never been a fan of the CCP. I believe they pose the greatest threat to our freedom and way of life. I support Taiwan and their perspective on this matter, which once again demonstrates the brutality and stubbornness of the CCP.”

The U.S. State Department also strongly condemned the CCP’s new regulations. “We strongly condemn Chinese officials escalating tensions and disrupting stability,” said State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller during a press conference on Monday, answering media inquiries. “We continue to urge restraint and not to unilaterally change the status quo.”

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen responded on Monday to the new CCP regulations by stating, “Democracy is not a crime, dictatorship is evil. China has no authority to sanction the Taiwanese people just because of their beliefs, and China has no jurisdiction to prosecute the Taiwanese people across borders.”

President Tsai added that according to the CCP’s perspective, “Not supporting reunification means advocating for Taiwan independence.” In other words, whether they are proponents of Taiwan, supporters of the Republic of China, or advocates for the Republic of China in Taiwan, all are seen as advocating for Taiwan independence by China (CCP).