Chinese-American Athlete: Competition Provides Opportunity to Learn Different Music Styles

On the afternoon of September 20, 2024, the ninth “Global Chinese Beautiful Voice Vocal Competition” hosted by NTD Television took place at the Kaufman Music Center in Manhattan, New York City, with 14 contestants advancing to the semi-finals.

One of the contestants, Wang Lanlan from Boston, USA, showcased effortless performance during the semi-finals and expressed her joy for being able to perform in such a prestigious venue. Wang Lanlan, who recently graduated from university at 23 years old, is currently a graduate student majoring in vocal music. She mentioned that her parents are immigrants from China and she has been singing since the age of 8, receiving formal training in traditional vocal techniques since she was 11.

Many of her friends shared the news of the competition with her, and she was pleased to participate as she believes it is a valuable opportunity to learn from other contestants who interpret Chinese songs with beautiful vocal techniques. Wang Lanlan stated that she aspires to broaden her understanding of Chinese music by exploring different styles showcased in the competition.

Reflecting on the profound richness of Chinese traditional culture, Wang Lanlan found interpreting Chinese song lyrics to be a challenge as understanding the essence of the lyrics goes beyond just pronunciation and melody. She expressed her interest in delving deeper into the background stories of Chinese music and composers, hoping to expand her knowledge and appreciation of Chinese music.

Wang Lanlan’s university classmate and friend, Rene Kozlowski, a professional singer and actress, also attended the competition to support her. Kozlowski, who began learning vocal music at a young age, praised Wang Lanlan’s balanced performance skills and stage presence. She appreciated the diverse styles showcased by other contestants and acknowledged the unique vocal techniques required for singing Chinese songs.

Kozlowski shared her experience of witnessing a different singing method through Wang Lanlan’s performance and expressed how using a different language, such as German, would bring a totally different style of singing. She highlighted her learning experience at the vocal competition organized by NTD Television, emphasizing the supportive and encouraging atmosphere among participants.

Attending the competition to cheer for Wang Lanlan was her cousin Xue Rong, a psychology major at New York University from Beijing. Xue Rong mentioned that Wang Lanlan is the only artistic one in their family and reminisced about their music classes together when they were young. She praised Wang Lanlan’s exceptional singing performance and expressed her delight in discovering NTD Television through this competition.