Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Gives Speech at Harvard, Public Protests Against Persecution

Several dozen protesters from various ethnic groups gathered outside the meeting room at Harvard University on the morning of April 20, while Chinese Communist Ambassador to the United States, Xie Feng, was giving a speech. They were chanting slogans condemning the human rights abuses and aggressive behaviors of the Chinese Communist Party.

“Free Hong Kong, release political prisoners in China, liberate human rights in China, and give freedom to the people of China, Hong Kong, and Macao,” one protester, surnamed Xie, said.

On that day, the China Studies Society of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government held the “2024 China Forum,” where they invited Chinese Communist Ambassador Xie Feng to speak.

Around 8 a.m., protesters braved the heavy rain and gathered outside the Kennedy School to protest against Chinese officials and supporters. Holding umbrellas, wearing raincoats, and carrying banners, they shouted slogans like “Free Hong Kong,” “Free Tibet,” and “Shame on Xi Jinping.”

“We are here protesting against what is happening in China, the way they (the CCP) treat their people, the persecution of numerous groups including Falun Gong practitioners, Uighurs, Tibetans, and underground Christians. We will protest wherever you (Xie Feng) are because you came to Boston, so we are here,” protester Tom said.

While the protesters were shouting outside, two Harvard University students were also inside the venue holding signs to protest directly at Xie Feng. These two female protesters were later escorted out of the venue by staff.

Around 10:30 a.m., protesters gathered again outside the Kennedy School’s parking lot to protest as Xie Feng left in his car. Cheers erupted only after his car disappeared from sight and the crowd dispersed.