Chicago Falun Gong Practitioners Gather to Commemorate 25th Anniversary of April 25th Appeal

On April 20th, some Falun Gong practitioners in the Chicago area gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate in Chicago to commemorate the tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners who peacefully appealed in Beijing on April 25, 1999. For 25 years, Falun Gong practitioners have held annual events to commemorate this day, advocating for peace and rationality in resisting persecution and helping more people understand the truth of Falun Gong and recognize the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party.

At the gathering, Falun Gong practitioners spoke, stating, “Those Chinese citizens who participated in the ‘Four-Two-Five’ appeal in 1999 did so voluntarily in a peaceful manner, going to the central petition office of the Chinese Communist Party to address issues that only the central government could resolve. This action was legal. At that time, not only were the demands of the appellants, such as ‘allowing the legal publication of Falun Gong books,’ ‘providing legal practice environments for Falun Gong practitioners,’ and ‘releasing abducted Falun Gong practitioners,’ satisfactorily resolved, but their highly civilized behavior and quality also shocked and moved the Chinese police. This peaceful appeal event that shocked both China and the world reflects the moral courage and faith in practice of a group of civilized Chinese people on the eve of a moral precipice in Chinese society.”

Mr. Lin, a Falun Gong practitioner, has been practicing Falun Gong since 2003. From the first day he embarked on the practice to the present, rain or shine, Mr. Lin insists on coming from the suburbs to the front of the Chicago consulate to practice Falun Gong every weekend (except for a few scheduling conflicts). Mr. Lin stated that many people often describe persistence in doing something as loyalty, but he believes that the word loyalty is too secular to capture the profound mysteries behind the firm faith of Falun Gong practitioners. “Faith is a very simple belief. It is not loyalty driven by worldly interests or benefits. When you personally experience the greatness and miracles of practicing Falun Gong, you develop a sincere faith from the heart, free from any worldly interests.”

He added, “It is precisely because Falun Gong practitioners have persistently clarified the truth and exposed the evil for 25 years that significant changes have occurred. In the past, the Chinese Communist Party would come to disrupt or even beat practitioners, but now the police stand on our side. They no longer pay attention to the Communist Party’s reports and harassment but come to protect us.” He said, “The fear of the Chinese Communist Party towards Falun Gong is because we do not engage in violent behavior, are not swayed by any temptation, and only reveal their sins to let the world know the truth.”

Pham, a Falun Gong practitioner of Vietnamese descent, expressed that despite the cold weather and some people passing by in a hurry, there were others who stopped to learn the truth. She said, “Even though the weather today is exceptionally cold, I feel very happy and don’t even notice the cold. This is what I long to do. I want to tell people ‘Falun Dafa is good,’ and I want to tell them that when facing difficulties or suffering, silently reciting ‘Falun Dafa is good’ will bring blessings.”

“After understanding the truth that ‘Falun Dafa is good,’ many people’s faces will blossom with a smile as if touched by a spring breeze. I am genuinely happy for them.”

Blamenest Bautista, a resident of Chicago, was attracted to the peaceful protest by Falun Gong practitioners. He said, “I have never seen such a peaceful protest activity before; it is a great way to express oneself.” Bautista expressed his astonishment at the fact that the Chinese Communist Party’s brutal repression and persecution of Falun Gong, based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, are exceptionally peaceful. He signed a petition demanding the “dissolution of the Chinese Communist Party” and expressed his solidarity with Falun Gong practitioners.

Zoe, a first-year graduate student at Loyola University School of Law from South Carolina, saw the peaceful protest by Falun Gong practitioners on her way home and expressed her strong support for all the efforts of Falun Gong practitioners against persecution. Zoe said, “They (Falun Gong practitioners) are so peaceful, and what they are doing is truly great.”

Junior Manyawu, an immigrant from Zimbabwe who has lived in the United States for over twenty years, described feeling “beautiful” when he witnessed the scene of Falun Gong practitioners practicing peacefully. Manyawu stated, “The world absolutely needs peace, and this is definitely a great way to showcase peace. Many things have happened in this world, and a lot has happened in America; I believe every one of us should learn this practice of ‘Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.'”

Shane Lambert and Quincy Lambert expressed their gratitude to Falun Gong practitioners for introducing them to what Falun Gong is and the persecution faced by practitioners. They wholeheartedly support the practitioners’ steadfast faith and practice, as well as their efforts against persecution.

Paul Smith from Arizona and Parker Johnson from Wisconsin, visiting Chicago for a friend’s wedding, stated that the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party illustrates its evil nature. Smith said, “We absolutely support (Falun Gong), and I hope the persecution stops immediately!” They were delighted to share their support for Falun Gong.

The serene and peaceful collective scene of Falun Gong practitioners practicing attracted many passersby. Many pedestrians read the content on truth banners and display boards carefully, engaging further with Falun Gong practitioners to learn the truth and express admiration and support for the practitioners’ peaceful resistance against persecution.