Change in Legal Representative of Xie Na’s Company Sparks Interest in New Business Venture.

Recently, there have been changes in the business operations of the prominent Chinese host Xie Na’s Shanghai-based company, “Xicongtianjiang Culture Media Co., Ltd.,” where she holds a 99% stake. The company’s business scope has been expanded to include activities such as personal internet live broadcasting services, internet sales, food sales, wholesale of clothing and apparel, wholesale of shoes and hats, and sales of textile products, in addition to having a new legal representative. This development has attracted attention.

According to information on the Chinese information website “Tianyancha” app, Shanghai Xicongtianjiang Culture Media Co., Ltd. was established in October 2021 with a registered capital of 1 million RMB. Currently, Xie Na and Luo Zhengying hold 99% and 1% of the shares, respectively. The company’s original business scope included performance agency, commercial performances, film and television distribution, advertising design, agency, and production. The new operations added include personal internet live broadcasting services, internet sales, food sales, wholesale of clothing and apparel, wholesale of shoes and hats, and sales of textile products.

Netizens commented that the versatile Xie Na derives her economic income from various sources, including the entertainment industry, commercial endorsements, variety shows, investment and finance, as well as sideline business development in multiple fields.

Recently, the wedding of Taiwanese artist Chen Qiao’en and her husband Alan in Langkawi, Malaysia, has caused a sensation. Prior reports suggested that Xie Na, a close friend of Chen Qiao’en, had been invited to the wedding but was not seen at the event. Instead, Xie Na posted blessings on social media. Chen Qiao’en responded by reposting Xie Na’s post, explaining that due to work commitments, Xie Na couldn’t attend the wedding in person, but she was still happy to receive her friend’s blessings and shared a transfer record of 66,666.66 RMB from Xie Na.

Chen Qiao’en’s act of sharing the transfer screenshot inadvertently sparked controversy, with some focusing on the specific amount of 66,666.66 RMB, criticizing Xie Na for being stingy, saying that a celebrity’s gift of 60,000 RMB is equivalent to an average person’s 600 RMB, suggesting that it might be too meager for a dear friend’s wedding gift. However, others opined that the amount doesn’t matter, emphasizing that whether it’s 60,000 or 600 RMB, it’s the thought that counts between good friends, and as fellow celebrities, Chen Qiao’en doesn’t lack 60,000 RMB, so there’s no need to measure friendship by money.

Some of Xie Na’s fans expressed dissatisfaction with Chen Qiao’en’s sharing of the transfer screenshot, cautioning against such actions as it may indirectly offend others who may have also invited Xie Na and received different amounts. Other netizens highlighted the extravagant nature of celebrity weddings, indicating that starting gift amounts in the five figures and 60,000 RMB may exceed an ordinary person’s annual income, questioning the rationale behind such gifts. In light of the current economic downturn, some even reminisced about how celebrity wedding gift amounts, like Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy’s wedding ten years ago, typically started at around 100,000 RMB.

For over 20 years, Xie Na has co-hosted the variety show “Happy Camp” with He Jiong and is the first celebrity with over a billion followers on Weibo. Her lively and mischievous hosting style has provoked controversies but also brought joy to audiences. Amidst her career, Xie Na experienced a return to work after pregnancy, only to face the so-called “clean up action” initiated by the authorities in the entertainment industry a month later, criticizing several programs, including those with high ratings on satellite TV, for being excessively commercialized and demanding a more politically correct approach.

On September 26, 2021, due to “upgrading and renovating,” “Happy Camp” was temporarily suspended and has now bid a final farewell. The former members of the “Happy Family” have since gone their separate ways, with some switching networks and others leaving the industry altogether.

Last July, Xie Na spoke at the fourth season finale of the reality show “Champion.” She revealed her uncommon sentiments about the cancellation of “Happy Camp”: “A year ago, a program I had worked on for many years suddenly disappeared. Because I didn’t know when the stage would suddenly vanish again, I had to give it my all.” Transitioning from a once wildly popular host to a competition participant on the show and delving into areas like internet live broadcasting, which she previously looked down upon, has left many lamenting the changes in her career.