Celine Dion Reveals She Is Unable to Have Children Due to Illness and Medication.

American singer Selena Gomez, who has 424 million followers on Instagram, revealed in a recent interview that despite her strong desire to become a mother, her ongoing battle with illness and necessary medications at the age of 32 renders her unable to conceive and give birth.

In an interview reported by The Guardian, Selena mentioned that due to the potential risks medications pose to a fetus and her own life, she cannot carry a pregnancy to term naturally. This realization led her through a period of sadness, but she remains open to alternative paths to motherhood such as adoption or surrogacy.

While Selena did not disclose specifics about her health condition, she has previously discussed being diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) in 2015, which is a chronic autoimmune disease affecting various organs in the body, including the skin, joints, blood, kidneys, and central nervous system, requiring long-term medication. In 2017, she underwent a kidney transplant due to the impacts of this disease.

Furthermore, Selena also revealed her struggles with mental health disorders like depression. These psychological challenges may be intertwined with her physical health condition and treatment methods.

During an interview with Rolling Stone in 2022, Selena mentioned the need for ongoing medication to manage bipolar disorder, which may prevent a safe pregnancy.

Research indicates that pregnancy for kidney transplant recipients carries high risks for both the mother and the fetus, but there have been documented cases of successful pregnancies and deliveries.

Despite acknowledging her inability to conceive, Selena emphasizes her plans to build a family before the age of 35, stating, “I can’t carry my own children, and that’s something I have to accept, but I am optimistic about the future.” She also shared that her mother was adopted, making adoption a natural choice for her and expressing deep gratitude for the idea of adopting children.