CCTV stops helping disaster relief after taking photos, Fujian victims say government is going too far

Recent severe flooding in southern China has left millions of people affected. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been promoting its disaster relief efforts, but has been criticized by the public for merely putting on a show. Flood victims in Wuping County, Longyan City, Fujian Province, expressed that after the media captured scenes of the relief efforts, the actual relief work came to a halt, with one victim stating, “The government now is going too far.”

In recent times, flooding has been ongoing in various regions including Longyan City in Fujian Province, Meizhou City in Guangdong Province, Guilin in Guangxi, Huangshan in Anhui, and Jiangxi. According to official CCP data, the flooding in these areas has affected more than a million people. Due to the CCP’s consistent cover-ups, there are widespread doubts about the severity of the actual situation compared to what has been officially reported.

Amidst this situation, CCP’s major state media have been filming and promoting their relief efforts. However, the residents of the disaster-stricken areas have exposed the exaggeration by state media, revealing that the actual relief work stops once the cameras are gone.

On June 20th, flood victims in Zhong Chi Township, Wuping County, Longyan City, Fujian Province, recorded the post-disaster conditions. The video shows the village covered in mud after the flood. Furniture, mattresses, and debris washed away by the floodwater are piled up on the roads, with motorcycles caked in mud line up.

While filming, a victim comments that on the fourth day after the disaster (June 20th) in the morning around 8:00 a.m., “We are right under the eyes of the town government… Yesterday, CCTV and journalists from various places came to take photos, and today (the relief work) has stopped! No need to do anything!”

The victim continues, “Is this what you call disaster relief? We are in the heaviest disaster area! This is how they treat us. The government now is going too far! We can’t work here. Inside, everything is… we can’t work inside, and everything indoors smells foul… This society! This world!”

After the related video was released, netizens revealed that the video was immediately blocked and deleted by the CCP’s online censorship system.

The video also made its way to overseas social media platforms. On Platform X, a netizen commented, “The show is over, no need to pretend anymore, the rotten mud left after the flood remains uncleared.” Another comment reads, “The disaster relief funds were all distributed overnight, so the relief work has ended.”

Another netizen remarked, “Many CCTV journalists cannot be considered journalists, but rather playwrights and directors.” They added, “This is a great irony to ‘Serve the People!’ In this country, disaster victims have become props for show, and disaster relief has turned into a spectacle.”