CCP withdraws strategic support forces and establishes new troops; whereabouts of former commander unknown.

On April 19, 2024, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced the dissolution of the Strategic Support Force and the establishment of a new branch called the CCP Information Support Force. CCP leader Xi Jinping emphasized at the inaugural meeting that this force must “resolutely obey the Party’s command.” The whereabouts of former Strategic Support Force commander Ju Qiansheng are currently unknown. Analysts believe that this move by Xi Jinping is a way to cleanse the short-lived Strategic Support Force by simply changing its name, highlighting that turmoil within the military continues.

According to reports by CCTV, the CCP Information Support Force held its inaugural ceremony at 4 p.m. today. General Xi Jinping awarded the flag to the commander of the Information Support Force, Bi Yi, and the political commissar, Li Wei. The newly formed Information Support Force will be directly led and commanded by the Central Military Commission.

During the ceremony, Xi Jinping presented the military flag to the Information Support Force and delivered a speech emphasizing the importance of unwavering obedience to the Party’s command. Li Wei spoke on behalf of the Information Support Force. Attendees at the event included Vice Chairmen of the Central Military Commission Zhang Youxia and He Weidong, as well as members of the Central Military Commission Liu Zhenli, Miao Hua, and Zhang Shengmin.

In the evening of April 19, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense held a press conference where Wu Qian, the spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense and director of the Defense Ministry’s Information Office, announced the formation of a so-called “new type of military branch structure layout” consisting of branches under the direct leadership of the Central Military Commission including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Rocket Force, Military Space Force, Cyber Space Force, Information Support Force, and Joint Logistics Support Force.

It is noteworthy that the strategic support force designation has been revoked, and former commander Ju Qiansheng has not been reassigned as commander of the newly established Information Support Force, his whereabouts remain unknown.

In an interview with Da Ji Yuan, commentator Zhong Yuan stated on April 19 that this move is akin to a disguised cleansing operation, using a name change to wash away the previous Strategic Support Force. This approach is reminiscent of the 2015 military reforms and anti-corruption efforts, only on a smaller scale this time. However, it seems like it is mainly a change in name to avoid associations with corruption and purges.

“The military is currently in disarray, and this is likely a cover-up tactic to save face for Xi Jinping. The fact that the newly established military branch only lasted for 8 years before being disbanded is quite short-lived and embarrassing. The CCP leadership is worried about the stability of the military morale, hence the need for such measures. Following the Rocket Force and the Equipment Department, the cleansing of the Strategic Support Force has been ongoing; now, it’s becoming more apparent, indicating that the chaos within the CCP military continues,” he said.

Earlier reports from the official Chinese media mentioned that the Ninth Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress will review the “Report on the Qualifications of Individual Delegates” from April 23 to 26.

Analyst Wang Gongfa wrote an article for “Voice of Hope,” analyzing that the past two sessions of the Standing Committee (in December last year and February this year) had put forward a group of military representatives. Among the rumored military leaders involved are some who have not been confirmed, but are also National People’s Congress delegates. For instance, General Ju Qiansheng of the Strategic Support Force, former Rocket Force political commissar General Xu Zhongbo, and Vice Admiral Wang Dazhong of the North Sea Fleet. Ju Qiansheng and Xu Zhongbo made appearances during the “Two Sessions” in March this year, but it does not mean they have landed safely.
