Canadian man uses a clever trick to scare away black bear up close

In British Columbia, Canada, a man had a close encounter with a black bear that had entered his garage, putting him at risk of an attack. However, he remained calm and used a clever tactic to scare off the bear, earning praise from experts.

According to a report by the Canadian news channel CTV, the incident took place on September 18 in the city of Coquitlam, British Columbia. A local resident, Alex Gold, unexpectedly came face to face with a mother bear roaming around his garage with a cub.

Gold explained that he was unloading goods in front of his garage at the time. The mother bear had wandered into his open garage. It was only when he went back to his car to retrieve items that he realized there was a bear inside, growling at him.

Footage captured by surveillance cameras showed the mother bear charging towards Gold multiple times, while he retreated and clapped his hands to scare her away, repeatedly saying, “No, no, no.”

Gold eventually managed to move to the other side of the car and get inside it. At this point, the cub also appeared in the frame. He then honked the car horn several times, which frightened off the mother bear and the cub.

Gold shared this incident on Instagram, mentioning that he almost collided face to face with the mother bear. Despite encountering bears before, he had never been this close. It was an unforgettable experience for him.

Speaking to the television channel, Gold mentioned that the bear encounter happened too quickly for him to feel scared.

Lisa Lopez from the non-profit organization “WildsafeBC” praised Gold’s handling of the situation with the mother bear. She emphasized the importance of slowly backing away.

Lopez stated, “It’s crucial to remember not to run, as that could trigger a predator-prey reaction.”

She mentioned that the mother bear’s behavior was likely defensive, possibly due to feeling trapped in a confined space or concerned about the cub’s safety. If Gold hadn’t stood still and slowly backed away, the bear could have turned aggressive.

Experts have warned that bears are preparing to hibernate at this time, so they tend to eat more before winter. People should properly dispose of garbage and food items to avoid attracting bears to their surroundings.

Lopez highlighted the bear’s sensitive sense of smell, capable of detecting scents from up to one kilometer away. It’s advisable for people to regularly close doors, windows, and garages.

While bear attacks on humans are rare, the National Park Service cautions that individuals should maintain a safe distance when encountering bears to ensure their safety.

In case of a bear attack:
– If a black bear charges or attacks you, fight back with all your might, do not play dead. Aim blows at the bear’s face, use rocks, sticks, bear spray, or any available weapon to protect yourself.
– If a grizzly/brown bear charges or attacks you, play dead, do not retaliate. Cover your head and neck with your hands and arms, lie face down, spread your legs apart. You’re trying to signal to the bear that you pose no threat to it or its cubs, so remain quiet and do not make noise. Wait a few minutes until you are certain the bear has left before getting up.