Call for Chinese soldiers in Southern California not to become “Party’s Army”

Hundreds of Chinese people gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles to protest against the Chinese Communist Party on the occasion of the “81st Army Day.” They condemned the CCP for disrespecting military personnel and turning the military into a “party security force” that upholds tyranny, while also calling on Chinese soldiers to break free from the CCP’s control and regain their dignity.

On the afternoon of August 3rd, under the organization led by Jielijian, the Vice Chairman of the China Democratic Party United Headquarters, a long line of people formed in front of the Consulate, holding banners saying “Political Democratization, Military Nationalization,” among others.

The Chinese Communist Party’s military was established in 1927 and has continuously been under the absolute control of the authorities after the CCP seized power. It has been used by the CCP to support various political movements and has become an accomplice to countless humanitarian disasters. Particularly during the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, under orders from the Central Military Commission led by Deng Xiaoping, troops carried out the shocking massacre known as the June Fourth Incident.

During his speech, Jielijian pointed out that in the 97 years since the establishment of the CCP’s military, without the support and repression of the military, the CCP would have been unable to commit atrocities in various movements, let alone carry out bloody massacres like the Tiananmen Square incident. He criticized the CCP for using the military to suppress its people, unlike countries like the U.S. and U.K., which use their military to protect their citizens.

Taking part in the rally, Xiao Liang, who participated in the 1989 protests, stated that the CCP’s foundation lies in plundering, deceiving, and fabricating history. He emphasized that without the Nationalist Party during the Anti-Japanese War, China would have perished long ago.

Xiao Liang called on Chinese soldiers not to be brainwashed any longer, stating that without the Communist Party, China would have achieved democracy and prosperity similar to Taiwan, with GDP per capita ranking in the world’s top ten.

Yang Xingyao, a former car salesman before leaving the country, admitted to being a staunch supporter of the CCP in the past, getting excited whenever China showcased advanced weapons like aircraft carriers and J-20 jets. However, he came to realize that these weapons were not for fending off external threats but rather to silence dissent among the people when the CCP mistreated them.

In an interview, Shi Qingmei, the head of the Los Angeles branch of the Democratic China Front, addressed Chinese soldiers, reminding them that the guns and weapons they wield are paid for by the taxes of ordinary citizens. She urged them to protect the people and not serve as guardians of an evil regime.

Liu Guangxian from Jiangsu mentioned that over 400 million Chinese people have voluntarily left the CCP and its affiliated organizations. He considered it a positive sign and believed more individuals will distance themselves from the Party in the future. He advised officials within the system and Chinese soldiers not to be complicit with the Party’s wrongdoings and emphasized that dictators and criminals would face judgment in the international community.

Jielijian stressed that a country’s military should serve the people, not a specific party or individual. He warned that a national military under the control of a party would spell disaster for the nation and pose the biggest threat to people’s lives.

He emphasized the necessity for the military to nationalize and for politics to democratize, stating that regimes built on slaughter and terror will not have a good ending.

Jielijian urged conscientious military officers and party members within the CCP to see the bigger picture and fight for the future of the country, for a new China based on freedom and democracy, rather than supporting the CCP’s tyranny.

The rally also expressed support for the brave young activist Fang Yirong from Hunan. Fang Yirong, who participated in the Blank Paper Movement, was arrested by the CCP for hanging anti-Communist slogans in the county town at the end of last month. Attendees hoped for international attention on the situation.