California seizes 75 tons of illegal fireworks from China

On July 4th, Independence Day celebrations in the United States always include fireworks shows, with people in various states celebrating the country’s birthday by lighting fireworks, having barbecues, and gathering together. However, buying and setting off fireworks haphazardly can lead to legal troubles, as law enforcement agencies maintain a zero-tolerance stance towards illegal fireworks.

On June 25th, the Gardena Police Department in Los Angeles County, California, announced the seizure of approximately 75 tons (150,000 pounds) of illegal fireworks and arrested three individuals. This is currently the largest fireworks bust in California, with officials stating that these fireworks were imported from China.

During a press conference held on Wednesday morning, California Fire officials revealed that during a raid conducted at a commercial warehouse last Saturday morning, besides seizing 75 tons of illegal fireworks, law enforcement officers also discovered 2,000 illegal destructive devices and 10 pounds of bulk homemade explosives. The street value of these illegal fireworks is estimated to be between 7 to 10 million dollars.

At another press conference on Wednesday morning, officials from the California Fire Department and various government agencies in Los Angeles County emphasized the dangers of illegal fireworks and urged the public to celebrate Independence Day in a responsible and safe manner.

Officer Armando Viera of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) told reporters, “Anyone found possessing, selling, or distributing illegal fireworks, and attempting to sell them online, may face fines of up to $50,000 and one year in prison.”

Assistant Deputy Director Frank Bigelow of the California Fire Department pointed out that law enforcement agencies are actively working to remove dangerous and illegal fireworks from the streets. “Selling, transporting, or using fireworks without the California Fire Department seal is illegal,” he said.

Bigelow mentioned that law enforcement officers are not only patrolling the streets but also closely monitoring online activities. “The era of selling illegal fireworks from the back of a car has transitioned to using the internet. Criminals are using various websites and social media platforms to sell fireworks, leading illegal products to flow onto the streets.”

Sheriff Robert Luna of Los Angeles County added, “If you are found in possession of any illegal fireworks, you are likely to face criminal charges. If you think you can make money by selling fireworks online, the buyer you are speaking with may very well be an undercover officer.”

Statistics from the American Pyrotechnics Association show that Americans burned away 2.3 billion dollars on fireworks in 2023. However, there have been frequent reports of accidents where individuals have been injured or even killed by illegal fireworks.

Doctors state that all types of fireworks are dangerous to humans, with illegal fireworks posing an even greater threat. Many patients have suffered facial injuries, eye damage, severe hand injuries, or burns from highly explosive illegal fireworks.

“During the Independence Day period, we transport dozens of explosion victims. Fireworks can cause various types of injuries, to hands, faces, bodies, and burns, so it’s not worth it,” said Los Angeles City Fire Department Chief Kristin Crowley.

So, how are illegal fireworks defined? The California government categorizes fireworks into two types – illegal “dangerous” fireworks and “Safe and Sane” fireworks certified by the state as safe. Safe and Sane fireworks labeled as such can be purchased from licensed retailers within communities. Fireworks without a label and those purchased online are considered illegal fireworks.

Fireworks classified as “dangerous” include skyrockets, bottle rockets, M80 and M100 heavy-duty fireworks, cherry bombs, mortars, and firecrackers.

To avoid casualties and property damage, many cities in California strictly prohibit all types of fireworks. This means that even if individuals purchase “Safe and Sane” fireworks, they cannot bring them into cities where fireworks are not allowed and certainly cannot ignite them in the community.

For example, storing or using any form of fireworks in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County is illegal. Law enforcement officers remind the public to check the regulations of their respective cities before purchasing “Safe and Sane” fireworks.

At the event on Wednesday, professionals once again demonstrated the destructive power of fireworks. When a lit firework stick touched clothing, flames erupted instantly, turning the entire set of clothes to ash in under a minute.

Given that California is currently in wildfire season, the dry, hot weather, and strong winds serve as fuel for wildfires. Therefore, Bigelow advises the public not to set off fireworks themselves but to opt for watching professional fireworks displays. “One less spark means one less wildfire.”