British Woman Claims to Have Nearly Died as a Child, Exchanged Souls with Aliens

Recently published paper by Harvard University in the United States suggests that extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth, potentially among us. In the UK, a 42-year-old woman has come forward to publicly claim that she became a “starseed” after exchanging souls with aliens during a near-death experience in her childhood. She insists that she is a living example of extraterrestrial presence on Earth.

Kelly Tyler, a resident of London, made these revelations during an interview on the British Independent Television (ITV) show “This Morning”. Kelly shared that she is part of a group known as “starseeds” who claim to be extraterrestrial beings from outer space sent to Earth to assist humanity. She recounted the experience of exchanging souls with aliens in her childhood, which led to the healing of her chronic illness and enabled her to engage in “interstellar travel”, allowing her soul to leave her body and journey to distant galaxies to meet with aliens. Not only can Kelly communicate with extraterrestrial beings, but she can also communicate with animals and trees through telepathy.

During the program, Kelly discussed her childhood struggles with poor health and sensitivity, recalling her ability to see an extraterrestrial lifeform named Tom and communicate with him, though he was not visible to others. At the age of 8, she fell seriously ill with whooping cough and drastic weight loss, with doctors fearing she might not survive.

She revealed that during her near-death experience, she exchanged souls with Tom as part of an agreement between them. Kelly now knows that Tom hails from Arcturus, the brightest star in the Boötes constellation, and that her original soul now resides there. Following this exchange, she became a member of the “starseeds” group, experiencing not only physical healing but also improvements in her personality, intelligence, and social skills, as if she had been transformed.

Unlike other members of the “starseeds” group who are believed to have been aliens reincarnated as humans from birth, Kelly became a starseed only after exchanging souls with an extraterrestrial being.

Due to the negative connotations associated with the term “alien” and fears of alien invasion, Kelly prefers to use the term “starseed” to describe her soul and its origins. She emphasizes that their role is not to appear disconnected from society but to help individuals reconnect with their true selves and establish connections with nature, animals, and other beings.

Kelly mentioned that their souls can leave their bodies and travel to other star systems through “interstellar travel”. While visiting other planets, they maintain a connection to Earth through a “purple umbilical cord”. She shared that when she sought healing on another planet in her younger years, she was advised to return to Earth as her duty was here to fulfill her mission.

Furthermore, Kelly believes that anyone can learn techniques to facilitate out-of-body experiences and engage in “interstellar travel”, with the freedom to choose their destination.