“British Couple Spends 42 Years Turning Backyard into World-Famous Oasis”

A British couple who are passionate about gardening have devoted half of their lives to transforming their backyard into a colorful private oasis, brimming with thousands of flowers, plants, and trees. Today, their garden in the industrial area of Walsall, West Midlands, England is a vibrant sanctuary, teeming with life throughout the year.

According to media reports, retired 74-year-old doctor Tony Newton and his 76-year-old wife Marie have four children and five grandchildren. Over the span of 42 years and spending more than £15,000 (approximately $19,000), they have turned their once unremarkable yard into a picturesque countryside destination.

Their garden, spanning about 1000 square meters, houses over 3,000 flowers, shrubs, and trees, including 450 rhododendrons, 120 Japanese maples, and 15 blue Atlas cedars. By intentionally planting a variety of flora to ensure blooms all year round, locals fondly refer to this stunning garden as the “Four Seasons Garden.”

It all started in 1982 when Marie retired from her position as a transportation planner and began pursuing gardening as a hobby. A few years later, Tony retired as a general practitioner, and the couple dedicated themselves entirely to the garden renovation project.

“In the past, I could only do odd jobs on the lawn or corners of the yard,” Marie told local media. “I had to stay within earshot of a landline phone, and we had four children in five years, so we were very busy then.”

Over the years, the garden naturally became the main play area for their children. Recognizing this, the Newtons began planning to rebuild the garden by hand in 1992, ensuring a safer play area for their kids.

In 2000, they dug a small stream, followed by a second stream two years later. Sometimes, to keep up with their progress, they would work in the yard with headlamps after dark. Indeed, the design and construction of the garden have been almost non-stop over the past several decades.

“We planted a variety of evergreen plants, especially in spring and autumn, their colors are very vivid,” Marie said. “We created a garden with numerous landscapes and tall bushes.”

Over the past two decades, the couple has welcomed tens of thousands of visitors from around the world to their garden, raising funds for charitable causes. Nowadays, the elderly couple spends hours every day maintaining the garden.

“For many years, we have been in the spotlight,” Marie said. “We have hosted many Chinese tourists. We have visited almost every corner of the world as well.”

With their growing reputation, the Newtons have become accustomed to strangers suddenly showing up at their door and requesting to tour their garden.

Moreover, the couple has won several gardening awards, including the prestigious “Best Garden in the UK” and “Gardener of the Year” awards personally presented by renowned British horticulturist and TV presenter Alan Titchmarsh.

In the past, the Newtons used to hold public open events in their backyard at least once a year, but now they only share it with family and friends.

“We have put 42 years of hard work into maintaining this garden meticulously, and we are already well-versed in all the garden maintenance tasks,” Marie said. “Sometimes, there’s not much to do in the yard, but other times we can be busy for eight continuous hours. In the fall, with the leaves falling, we are usually busier during that season.”

“We have indeed put in a lot of effort. We work together seamlessly and complement each other very well,” Tony added. “But this garden has also given us ample rewards.”