Blood-red sky over Wuhan, Hubei Province sparks earthquake fears among residents.

Early in the morning of April 15th, the sky over Wuhan, Hubei Province, turned blood red, leaving residents astonished. Netizens expressed concern, fearing that this could be a precursor to an earthquake.

Residents of Wuhan reported that as they walked home after finishing their night shifts in the Jiang’an district, they noticed the sky turning blood red, resembling a large red haze, which was extremely eerie. This unusual phenomenon lasted for a whole hour.

Videos circulated online showing the outside of residents’ windows bathed in crimson, giving the appearance of an entire red window.

According to a report by “Xiaoxiang Morning News,” staff from the Hubei Meteorological Bureau mentioned that the weather had been fluctuating since the 15th, with strong convective weather. They stated the need to contact the Wuhan Central Meteorological Observatory to understand why the sky appeared blood red.

Comments from netizens speculated, “An earthquake is coming, just watch and see.” “Being emotional is useless, there are precedents. I’m not saying there will be an earthquake where the abnormal clouds are, but within a radius of over a thousand kilometers.” “Just one glance at this is frightening, I dare not even step outside.” “The eve of an earthquake.”

Other netizens expressed concern about the abnormal weather, questioning, “Why are there more and more abnormal atmospheric phenomena? What is happening to the Earth?”

Editor: Xiao Lusheng#