Blood-red Sky Appears in Wuhan, Hubei, People Worry About Possible Earthquake.

On the early morning of April 15, the sky over Wuhan, Hubei Province turned blood red, leaving residents astonished. Some netizens expressed concerns that this phenomenon could be a precursor to an earthquake.

According to reports from local residents, while walking home after a late shift in the Jiang’an District along Xianggang Road in Wuhan on the 15th, they noticed the sky displaying a blood red color, resembling a red haze, which was both eerie and lasted for an entire hour.

Videos circulating online showed a red glow outside residents’ windows, with the whole windowpane appearing crimson.

Officials from the Hubei Meteorological Bureau stated that the weather had been continuously changing since the 15th, with severe convective weather occurring. They mentioned that further investigation was needed to understand the reason behind the blood red sky phenomenon, suggesting reaching out to the Wuhan Central Meteorological Observatory for more information.

Netizens left comments indicating their fears, speculating on the possibility of an impending earthquake. Some remarked, “Earthquake is coming, mark my words.” Others noted, “Emotions won’t help, there have been precedents. Not saying where there are abnormal clouds will have earthquakes, but areas within thousands of kilometers around them have a high probability.” Another comment read, “Just one glance at this is terrifying, I dare not even step outside. Earthquake is imminent.”

Some netizens also voiced concerns about the increasing occurrences of abnormal meteorological phenomena, wondering, “Why are there more and more unusual weather events happening? What is the Earth going through?”

Responsibility Editor: Xiao Lusheng