Blinken: China is the main military supplier for Russian invasion in Ukraine.

During a G7 foreign ministers’ meeting in Italy on Friday, the ministers strongly warned against China’s assistance to Russia in rebuilding and revitalizing its defense industry. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken noted that Beijing had become the primary supplier to Russia in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine, providing crucial weapon components.

Blinken emphasized that China’s efforts were fueling the “greatest threat to European security since the end of the Cold War.”

The G7 foreign ministers meeting concluded on Capri Island in Italy on Friday. Blinken, in a post-meeting press conference, stated that the US had made it clear to China and other countries that they should not support Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

“In terms of Russia’s defense industry base, the current main sponsor is China (the CCP). We see China (the CCP) sharing machine tools, semiconductors, and other dual-use products, helping Russia rebuild its defense industry base,” Blinken highlighted.

“China (the CCP) can’t have it both ways. It can’t afford the consequences,” Blinken explained. “You want to build positive, friendly relations with European nations, but at the same time, you are fueling the greatest threat to European security since the end of the Cold War.”

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the US has continuously warned China against aiding Moscow’s war efforts. At the beginning of the war, China and Russia had just announced establishing an “unlimited partnership” a few weeks prior.

Facing a shortage of ammunition and insufficient military equipment, Ukraine is striving to resist Russia’s military pressure. Russian forces are exploiting the country’s vulnerabilities by launching missile attacks on power plants, power grids, and residential areas. Ukrainian President Zelensky has been calling for the establishment of more air defense systems.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who attended the meeting, echoed Blinken’s concerns.

Baerbock stated after the meeting, “If China (the CCP) openly seeks to establish closer partnerships with Russia, which is engaging in an illegitimate war against Ukraine, we cannot accept that.”

“We urge China (the CCP) to use its influence on Putin,” she said. “We cannot accept any country in the world triggering Putin’s war machine.”

The G7 statement expressed strong concern about Chinese companies transferring dual-use materials and weapon components to Russia for its military production, enabling Russia to rebuild and revitalize its defense industry base, posing a threat to Ukraine and international peace and security.

President Zelensky of Ukraine is scheduled to meet with NATO defense ministers on Friday, where he is expected to request more air defense support. EU foreign and defense ministers will meet on Monday to discuss this issue.

Earlier this month, US officials briefed reporters on the supplies China provided to Russia, including drones, missile technology, satellite imagery, and machine tools. While these supplies may not constitute lethal aid, they contribute to Russia’s military buildup to sustain the two-year conflict in Ukraine.

A spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy at the time told Reuters that China was not a party to the crisis in Ukraine, and normal trade between China and Russia should not be disrupted or restricted.

When President Biden spoke with Chinese leader Xi Jinping earlier this month, he raised this issue, and subsequently, US officials stated that Blinken will visit China in the coming weeks. Details of Blinken’s trip have not been disclosed.

(Reference: Reuters and Bloomberg articles)