Biden’s Border Restriction Measures Effective, Cross-Border Numbers Down 40%

On June 4, President Biden announced measures to limit access to asylum when the number of illegal immigrants arriving at the US-Mexico border reaches a certain threshold. Less than a month after the implementation of this new policy, the daily number of arrests at the US border has significantly decreased, by over 40% compared to before the new regulations came into effect.

According to a report by the Associated Press on Wednesday, data released by the Department of Homeland Security showed that within the past seven days, the daily average of arrests at the border has dropped to below 2,400, representing a decrease of over 40% from before the new rules on June 5. While this number is still higher than the 1,500 limit set for processing asylum claims, the Department of Homeland Security stated that this is the lowest figure since President Biden took office on January 17, 2021.

Last week, monthly statistics from Customs and Border Protection indicated a 25% decrease in border arrests since the implementation of Biden’s new rules, suggesting a significant decline in the number of border apprehensions since then.

The released data each month serves as a key indicator of border security and measures how many illegal immigrants are arriving at the southern border of the United States. Last December, this data hit a historic high, then dropped by about half in January, maintaining within that range through the spring. It is believed that the main reason for the decrease in immigrant numbers is Mexico’s increased law enforcement at its border.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is scheduled to speak to the press in Tucson, Arizona on Wednesday. Authorities in Tucson reported a slight decrease in daily arrests to below 600 on Tuesday, compared to 1,200 on June 2.

President Biden’s tougher stance on border security and immigration issues is largely due to illegal immigration having become one of the most important concerns for American voters.

Biden has faced criticism from many voters on immigration issues. Former President Trump has repeatedly criticized him on border security, blaming his open border policies for border chaos and national security threats.

While trying to combat illegal immigration at the border, Biden is also attempting to provide new pathways to legal status for immigrants.

Last week, Biden announced a new program primarily targeting undocumented spouses of US citizens who have lived in the country for ten years or more, offering them a pathway to ultimately obtain citizenship.