Biden Holds Thank-You Event for Hundreds of Campaign Staff After Withdrawing

On Thursday, August 8, US President Joe Biden and his wife Jill held a thank-you event for hundreds of staff who had worked for his campaign. Last month, Biden announced his withdrawal from running for re-election.

According to the Associated Press, Biden met with the staff at The Queen, a music hall in downtown Wilmington, Delaware. The music hall played a crucial role in his successful presidential campaign in 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic restricting public gatherings and travel, Biden often delivered speeches to the public from the stage of this music hall.

News media were not invited to the event, and one attendee who requested anonymity revealed that Biden and his wife gave speeches and took photos with the staff.

In his speech, Biden expressed gratitude for the work the staff had done over the past year and their continued efforts to support Vice President Kamala Harris, who is set to take over as the Democratic nominee.

During the event, Biden enjoyed some food, including his favorite ice cream.

Since stepping back from the presidential race, Biden has kept a low profile. Following his lackluster performance in a debate with his opponent Donald Trump on June 27, internal and external doubts arose about his ability to serve another four-year term.

Subsequently, Biden has reduced his travel schedule and held more closed-door policy briefings.

Biden has continued to participate in important diplomatic activities, such as facilitating a prisoner exchange involving Russia. The initiative resulted in a multilateral agreement that secured the freedom of over twenty individuals, including three American citizens imprisoned in Russia.

The Queen, as described on its official website, was originally a 19th-century hotel popular among traveling sailors. From 1916 to 1959, it was converted into a cinema before falling into disuse and disrepair. In 2011, The Queen was reopened as a music venue called The Queen Theater.