Beijing Yanqing hit by sudden hailstorm, accumulation like snow, streets turned into ice rivers.

On June 27th, hail suddenly fell in Yanqing District, Beijing, with the largest diameter reaching 5 centimeters. The hail accumulated like snow in some areas, reaching a depth of up to 40 centimeters, turning some places into ice glaciers.

According to a report by the Beijing Daily on the 27th, from 2 pm to 5 pm on the 27th, hail descended on various townships in Yanqing District such as Zhangshanying, Yanqing Town, Shenjiaying, Dayushu, and Badaling, with the largest hailstones measuring 3 to 5 centimeters in diameter.

The Xinjing News reported that the thickness of hail accumulation in a household and courtyard in Xiguan Village, Yanqing Town, reached about 40 centimeters.

Videos circulating online show hail pounding down with a loud “rumbling” sound, leaves falling off trees, and car windows being shattered by hailstones. In some areas, the hail accumulated like layers of snow, covering the ground in residents’ yards. On the streets, hail gathered and flowed together, resembling a glacial river.

People commented in awe, “Such thick hail.” “This year is another disaster year, caution must be taken when traveling to mountainous areas for holidays.” “Strange signs are appearing in the sky…”

Recommended reading: Hail falls in Minxian County, Gansu, streets turn into ice rivers, farmers lament heavy losses.

Beijing netizens also remarked, “In the same Beijing, experiencing both extremes of ice and fire.”

On April 22nd of this year, Beijing also experienced hail. Residents of Beijing mentioned that encountering such large hail at this time was a first. On the evening of April 20th, a fire meteor appeared in the Beijing night sky.