Awakening in Search: New Tang English Film “Where Are You”

Following the success of “Becoming God Again,” Canadian New Tang Dynasty Television will release a new English feature film titled “Where Are You.” Directed by Yan Zhen and his creative team, the film wrapped up shooting in late July and is currently in the final stages of post-production, with plans to premiere in mid-November.

Director Yan Zhen shared his thoughts on the film, stating, “I have always wanted to make a film about lawyer Gao Zhisheng as a tribute to a hero and to bring international attention to him and the many victims of persecution.”

He added, “Although the film incorporates many of Gao’s personal experiences and real events, there are still artistic elements. Therefore, ‘Where Are You’ is not a biopic but a story with strong realism.”

The screenplay for this film was written by Stella Wu, who is collaborating with Yan Zhen for the second time. Their first collaboration, the short film “A Family in the Pandemic,” won awards at various international film festivals in 2021.

Reflecting on the motivation behind creating “Where Are You,” Stella mentioned, “I first heard about lawyer Gao Zhisheng’s story over a decade ago. Those who have not experienced the suppression by the Chinese Communist Party may find it difficult to understand his courage. Despite knowing the consequences, Gao chose to speak up for those innocently persecuted. It’s truly remarkable!”

She continued, “Gao chose not to be a hero but to be a true person who follows his conscience.”

During the creative process, director Yan Zhen was deeply moved, stating, “Throughout the filming, the entire team was infused with a strong emotional power. Every actor was fully committed and heartfelt in their performances. The crew on set were often moved to tears.”

Yan Zhen praised actor Jiang Guangyu’s performance, saying, “As a professional actor, Guangyu is extremely dedicated, which I deeply felt during the filming of ‘Becoming God Again.’ This time, during a scene depicting torture, he endured being ‘tormented’ on the cold cement floor for hours, nearly exhausted, yet he remained professional, completing all the shots. Everyone on set was deeply touched by his dedication.”

“This is a story told from a female perspective,” Stella emphasized.

Discussing the creative journey, Stella said, “Seeing the sorrowful and helpless eyes of Gao’s wife and daughters in the news years ago was heart-wrenching. Today, they have weathered the trials of time, remaining steadfast and unchanging, yet the faint pain in their eyes remains… I hope this film can make them feel that they are not alone in the pursuit of justice.”

Yan Zhen concluded, “I hope ‘Where Are You’ can awaken more people to pay attention to those voices that are ignored and oppressed, and to never give up on seeking truth, justice, and human dignity. At the same time, I hope people can hold onto the kindness in their hearts because even in the darkest moments, the brilliance of humanity still shines. It is our most precious wealth and the strongest force within each of us.”

For more information about the film’s premiere, stay tuned for further updates.