Avoid Overheating: Eight Places to Avoid Putting Your Smartphone

Smartphones have become an indispensable item in modern life, with people relying on them for work and various aspects of daily life. However, placing your phone in the wrong location can lead to unexpected problems or even malfunctions.

Where should you avoid placing your smartphone? And how can you safely cool down a phone if it accidentally overheats?

Heat poses a significant threat to the delicate components of a smartphone. Placing your phone in locations where heat cannot dissipate or in high-temperature environments can lead to issues, so it is best to avoid such situations whenever possible.

According to a report from the Japanese media outlet Grape, SoftBank has listed the following locations as hotspots where smartphones face potential dangers:

– Near fire
– On a heated carpet
– Near various heating appliances
– Inside electric blankets
– Carried in pockets together with portable heaters
– Taken into a sauna
– Exposed to hot air from blow dryers
– Near the steam vent of a heating humidifier or electric kettle

These are common household locations that can pose risks to smartphones. It is recommended to avoid placing your phone in these areas or exposing it to high temperatures.

If a smartphone overheats, it can lead to malfunctions, deformities, fires, data loss, and other issues. If your phone feels hot, it is essential to cool it down promptly. Here are the correct methods to safely cool down a smartphone:

If your smartphone heats up, immediately stop charging it, place it in a cool area, and temporarily avoid using it. Be cautious when handling the phone to prevent burns.

By turning off the power, high-load applications (one of the causes of heating) will stop running, reducing the risk of additional heat generation upon restart.

Proper heat dissipation during cooling is also crucial. If your phone has a case or cover, removing it can help facilitate heat dissipation.

If after following these steps, your smartphone still cannot cool down, do not attempt to force any operations and seek advice from a local smartphone retailer.

Extend reading:

– Improper charging affects lifespan; experts offer three tips to prolong smartphone life
– Apple advises against charging iPhones in bed while sleeping

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