Australian mom: Very lucky, raising a pair of children in a prestigious school

Australian parent Dong Peiyi’s two children have grown up at Feitian Academy of the Arts and Feitian University, nurtured by Shen Yun, with her son excelling in both academics and character, and her daughter being gentle and virtuous, fulfilling her wish to raise successful children. Dong Peiyi shared with a reporter from Epoch Times the details of her children’s growth at Feitian School.

Dong Peiyi’s son, Gary Liu, completed his studies at Feitian Academy of the Arts and Feitian University before becoming a Shen Yun performer. He is now a teacher at a school in the North and at the “Shen Yun Grading Center.”

Before going to Feitian Academy of the Arts, Gary attended an elite class at a local Australian school, where he excelled academically. However, the introverted Gary developed a passion for computers and especially enjoyed playing video games at a young age, causing Dong Peiyi to worry about his future. To her surprise, Gary, who loved tinkering with computers, expressed his desire to study at Feitian Academy of the Arts.

In 2007, when Shen Yun toured Australia, Gary was deeply captivated after watching the performance for the first time. The lively and confident Shen Yun performers became his role models. Dong Peiyi recalled, “He proposed to go to Feitian Academy of the Arts to learn and hoped to have the opportunity to perform with Shen Yun. I never thought my son would choose to study art, which was completely opposite to my previous thoughts. I was indeed worried that he might not succeed.”

Due to her busy work schedule, Dong Peiyi did not help Gary fill out the application for Feitian Academy of the Arts on time. Gary even asked a friend to help convince his mother. Eventually, Gary successfully entered Feitian Academy of the Arts and embarked on his artistic journey.

Learning dance was a significant challenge for Gary since he had never been exposed to it before, starting from scratch in mastering all the basic dance skills. The teachers at Feitian School were both patient and strict in nurturing him with great dedication.

Gary shared with Dong Peiyi, “The teachers at Feitian Academy of the Arts, Feitian University, and Shen Yun are remarkable. For a student like me who has never danced before, my dance teacher patiently teaches me. Although the dance requirements are strict, they also encourage us to practice persistently. I have learned a lot from them.”

“The cultural studies teachers are also excellent. Sometimes, due to being tired from dance classes, we may doze off during cultural lessons. However, the cultural studies teachers are understanding and find ways to help us learn what we should in the limited time we have.”

As a teacher now too, Gary appreciates and respects the efforts and dedication of the Feitian teachers even more.

Feitian Academy of the Arts and Feitian University, located in New York, are comprehensive art schools that teach traditional music, arts, and classical Chinese dance, nurturing the younger generation with the educational philosophy of traditional culture.

Gary told Dong Peiyi, “The traditional culture learned at school emphasizes the relationships between people, such as respecting teachers, filial piety towards parents, older siblings looking after younger ones, and so on.”

As a trainee performer with Shen Yun, Gary toured Australia with the group. When Dong Peiyi saw her son, she was amazed by his significant transformation. She said, “Our previously robust and dark-skinned son has become fair and handsome, with a completely different temperament, resembling a dance artist.”

Gary spent a wonderful nine years at Feitian Academy of the Arts, Feitian University, and the Shen Yun artistic group. Although he is now retired and a teacher, the memories of that time are unforgettable for him. Dong Peiyi mentioned that life at Feitian School is colorful and diverse, not just focusing on learning and dancing but also encompasses singing. The school nurtures students in various talents.

“For example, my son enjoys filming, so he learned about filming and video production,” she said. “As Shen Yun toured around the world, capturing the local customs and leaving their mark everywhere, documenting their growth.”

The nurturing environment at Feitian School encourages students to be independent, self-disciplined, constantly strive for technical improvement, be enterprising, and cooperate with one another. The relationships among classmates are close-knit, akin to a family.

Dong Peiyi expressed, “Gary told me that ‘among classmates, we support and encourage each other. Whether in daily life or during performances on tour, my classmates and I are like siblings, sharing joys and sorrows together.'”

“If I have any concerns, I can also talk to teachers. During the tour, from setting up the stage to performing, we all work hard together for the success of the show.”

Dong Peiyi’s daughter, Alison Liu, is now a musician in Shen Yun’s orchestra. She has loved music since she was young, learned the violin, and later enrolled in the Australia Music Institute for studies.

Dong Peiyi mentioned her admiration for Shen Yun. She said, “When Shen Yun performs in Australia, I never miss a show. I always sit in the front row to see the orchestra in the pit.”

While studying at the Australia Music Institute, Alison joined the Sydney Youth Symphony Orchestra. To hone her skills and experience the music atmosphere in Europe, she even performed in Europe. Upon returning from Europe, Alison told Dong Peiyi, “Mom, the music in Europe is extensive, and the atmosphere is great. It’s a good place for studying music, but I still love Shen Yun’s music, which has already imprinted in my mind.”

“Like her brother, she also desires to attend Feitian School and join the Shen Yun artistic group,” Dong Peiyi said. After Alison graduated from university, a good friend recommended a job with an annual salary of nearly 100,000 to her daughter, which was quite tempting for a fresh graduate. However, Alison firmly stated her intention to go to Feitian School and join the Shen Yun artistic group.

“I understand that Feitian University is the best school and that Shen Yun artistic group is excellent. I wholeheartedly support my daughter,” Dong Peiyi said. “As she wished, my daughter was admitted to Feitian University, participated in orchestra training, and joined the Shen Yun performances with the group.”

Dong Peiyi witnessed Alison’s delightful transformation. She mentioned that her daughter used to be very active, but “after she got involved in music and particularly studied classical dance music at Feitian University, the change became more noticeable, with her calm demeanor from the inside out, making her soothing.”

Every short break that Alison comes home, she chats with Dong Peiyi about her life at Feitian University. The school has a rule limiting students’ use of mobile phones. Dong Peiyi revealed, “I asked her if she is not used to not using a smartphone frequently due to the limitation. She said, ‘Initially, it was a bit uncomfortable because I used it every day before enrollment. During practice, I used to check social media messages every ten minutes.'”

Alison shared her insights with Dong Peiyi, saying, “In the past, I was curious and focused on the activities of friends on social media, but I don’t need that information because true friends interact in person, sharing and cherishing the time spent together.”

“The school environment at Feitian made me very focused, enhancing my skills,” she said. “Previously, using my phone, I spent a lot of time on social platforms, not knowing how to interact with people, and my learning efficiency was low.”

A recent article in The New York Times criticized Feitian School and Shen Yun artistic group, including the restriction on students’ phone usage. Dong Peiyi mentioned that Alison’s cousin was curious about this and asked if students would feel restricted. “Alison told her cousin, ‘I am not entirely disconnected from the outside world. If I need information, I will search online. Still, since I pursue an artistic profession, becoming an artist requires focus.'”

Dong Peiyi said, as a parent, most aspire for their children to achieve great success and wish to nurture them to enter their desired schools and become successful individuals. Seeing her children mature and succeed, she expressed, “In addition to gratitude, there is only more gratitude.”