Asian American high school student in Maryland arrested for planning school shooting

An 18-year-old high school student from Rockville, Maryland, named Andrea Ye, also known as Alex Ye, has been charged with planning a school shooting incident at a primary school in Montgomery County, Maryland.

Ye was arrested by the Montgomery County Police Department on Wednesday (April 17) following a tip-off from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that she had written a 129-page “manifesto” outlining the plan for a school shooting incident. A joint investigation was then launched by the local police and the FBI Baltimore Field Office to apprehend the suspect.

In the “manifesto”, Ye detailed a school shooting scenario and devised strategies on how to carry out the act. She had targeted a primary school and expressed her desire to become famous through this act.

Local authorities obtained a search warrant and found network searches, blueprints, and documents related to large-scale violence threats at Ye’s residence.

Following the investigation, the Community Engagement Division of the Montgomery County Police Department has collaborated with the Montgomery County Public Schools to enhance security at schools, especially at Wootton High School.

Ye is currently detained and charged with making large-scale violence threats. She is being held at the Montgomery County Central Processing Center awaiting a bail hearing.

A press conference regarding this case is scheduled to be held on Friday (19th).

责任编辑: 葉紫微#