Analysis: CCP Confronting Challenges on Several Fronts, Its Own Strategy Might Be Hindered

The Chinese Communist Party has consistently promoted the so-called “Chinese Dream,” believing that the best way to achieve this dream is by maintaining a favorable international environment to acquire the technology, funds, and resources necessary for its development. However, the CCP’s actions have been the opposite, escalating tensions globally and narrowing its development path.

Currently, the Chinese authorities have engaged in trade wars, technology wars, and espionage with the United States, and a trade war with the European Union is looming.

Since the EU announced additional anti-subsidy tariffs of up to 38.1% on imported Chinese electric vehicles on June 12, Beijing retaliated by initiating an anti-dumping investigation into EU pork imports on June 20, intensifying trade tensions between China and Europe.

Earlier in January, China launched an anti-dumping investigation into French brandy in retaliation for the EU’s anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric vehicle imports (strongly supported by France).

Analysts point out that China’s actions are driven by political revenge. The EU pork industry is vulnerable, and China is one of its major export markets.

“China’s overcapacity in electric vehicle production and its policy of dumping at low prices are not only harmful to the world but also indicate a continued aggressive approach towards imposing anti-dumping sanctions on European pork. By handling international trade issues with a ‘wolf warrior’ attitude, it is likely to escalate into trade wars,” advised Song Guocheng, a researcher at the International Relations Research Center of National Chengchi University, to Epoch Times.

Relations between the CCP and neighboring countries like India, the Philippines, Japan, Vietnam, Australia, and South Korea have been deteriorating. Concerns have been raised over territorial disputes with Vietnam and aggressive actions near the Indian border with the deployment of the fifth-generation fighter jet J-20 near the Tibet-India border.

“The deployment of the J-20 near the China-India border is provocative in nature. It is an offensive weapon capable of tactical bombing across borders. If not for deliberate provocation, why deploy the J-20 along the China-India border?” Song Guocheng stated.

The CCP’s heavy-handed tactics in the South China Sea were on display when Chinese coast guard personnel were caught threatening Filipino soldiers with an axe during a humanitarian mission on the BRP Sierra Madre at the Ren’ai Reef. The incident resulted in a Filipino sailor losing a finger.

Despite repeated protests from the Australian government, China maintained a death row sentence for Australian writer Yang Hengjun even ahead of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to Australia two weeks prior.

Japan-China relations have also soured, with Chinese practices demonstrating a lack of comprehension of international norms, causing concern among Western powers about China’s increasing assertiveness.

The promotion of the so-called “Chinese Dream” by the CCP since 2012, while ostensibly aimed at achieving “national prosperity, national rejuvenation, and people’s happiness,” is rooted in an imperialistic ideology of hate and division propagated by Marxism-Leninism.

Song Guocheng analyzed that the CCP’s discourse is hypocritical, constantly playing the victim of a century of humiliation and accusing the West of hindering China’s development to fulfill the Chinese Dream. The aggressive stance adopted has led to conflicts with many neighboring countries.

Shen Mingshi, a researcher and director at the Taiwan Institute for National Defense and Security Research, emphasized that since Xi Jinping took office, these ideological attitudes have intensified, leading to global concerns with far-reaching impacts beyond regional issues.

The CCP’s current tactics mirror those of former leader Mao Zedong’s struggle philosophy to “overthrow American imperialism” and “liberate all mankind.” The CCP now invokes slogans like “dare to fight and fight well” and “hundred years of changing situations,” using gray areas to create global crises.

This strategy mirrors the Soviet Union’s challenges to American interests worldwide during the 1970s by exploiting the strategic relaxation period in the United States.

Currently, Beijing is pursuing global initiatives aimed at countering Western alliances and establishing an anti-democratic order, supporting expansionist authoritarian regimes in Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. Since 2020, China has more than doubled its nuclear arsenal, with its conventional force construction outpacing any country since World War II.

Beijing is eager to weaponize its control of the global supply chain and dominance in key emerging technologies.

Song Guocheng expressed to Epoch Times that while the CCP’s current power is limited, it seeks to disrupt the existing international order by resorting to aggressive tactics, which could lead to isolation and hinder its own development.

“If the CCP continues down this path, its so-called ‘Chinese Dream’ and the ‘great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation’ will fall through. Without maintaining a basic international peace environment, it cannot achieve development,” he added.

Shen Mingshi reiterated that the CCP’s closed and exclusionary policies have resulted in significant industries and businesses leaving, adding chaos to the economy. He cautioned that economic downturns could impact military capabilities, but Xi’s personality might lead to a potential resort to military actions in cases of sovereignty disputes.

The CCP’s aggressive expansionism has further complicated its stance on Taiwan. The contradictory approach of displaying weakness while simultaneously projecting strength has created an image of internal conflict within the CCP.

Recent reports from the Financial Times revealed that the CCP’s leader had informed the President of the European Commission that the U.S. was trying to instigate an attack on Taiwan but emphasized that he would not fall for it. Meanwhile, the CCP’s judicial department announced punitive laws targeting pro-Taiwan independence individuals for lifelong prosecution.

Shen Mingshi indicated that the CCP’s understanding of its military and economic status restricts its ability to initiate conflicts, as it cannot win against the U.S. in a military confrontation. Therefore, plans to attack Taiwan by 2027 are unlikely. He urged Western countries not to view China as an imaginary enemy but to strengthen military preparedness against China’s potential aggression.

Regarding the CCP’s fluctuating policies towards Taiwan, Shen Mingshi suggested that conflicting signals could signify internal power struggles within the CCP or indecisiveness at the decision-making level.

“It seems the CCP is keen on implementing a soft policy for peaceful unification to avoid provoking conflict in the Taiwan Strait, which could potentially support different parties in Taiwan’s upcoming elections. However, the recent imposition of lifelong penalties against pro-independence figures in Taiwan has polarized certain political parties against China. The lack of cohesive policy strategies may lead to unforeseen consequences,” Shen Mingshi outlined.

In conclusion, Song Guocheng highlighted that the CCP’s strategy to unify Taiwan has shifted substantially, and military unification would face international backlash due to the high costs and slow effectiveness. With the mainstream public opinion in Taiwan favoring the status quo, the current approach is focused on internal integration through influencing domestic turmoil.

Song Guocheng concluded that the CCP is now surrounded by enemies on all fronts and isolated internationally. Without strategic adjustments, it will continue to face increasing isolation in the global arena.

“Unfortunately, it is unlikely that the CCP will change its course, given its stubborn and misguided judgments. Following the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, China will likely be the next target. The pressures and sanctions the U.S. and Europe have imposed on Russia will eventually shift to China, making it an international enemy,” he warned.