After Israel is attacked, US and Europe to impose new sanctions on Iran.

Following the weekend attacks by Iran on Israel, the United States has announced that new sanctions will be imposed on Iran’s missile and drone programs. Sources have indicated that European countries are also drafting similar sanction measures.

White House National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, stated on Tuesday (April 16th) that the sanctions will be revealed “in the coming days,” targeting Iran’s missile and drone programs, as well as entities supporting the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Iranian Ministry of Defense.

Sullivan added that the U.S. is in discussions with the Group of Seven (G7) and other partners to develop a “comprehensive response.”

“We expect that our allies and partners around the world will also take corresponding sanction measures soon,” Sullivan said. “We will continue to coordinate with our allies, partners, and Congress without hesitation to hold the Iranian government accountable for its malicious and destabilizing actions.”

He emphasized that the U.S. military is further enhancing and integrating air defense and missile defense systems in the Middle East to reduce the effectiveness of Iran’s missiles and drones.

This week, Italy is hosting a meeting of the G7 foreign ministers, during which Western countries are expected to discuss their response to Iran. While countries aim to demonstrate robust actions, they also seek to ease regional tensions and prevent an all-out conflict.

Prior to this, sources informed the Financial Times that the EU is also drafting sanctions against Iran’s missile and drone programs in response to Iran’s attacks on Israel.

Four informants indicated that an increasing number of EU countries are backing the new sanctions, which may target networks supporting Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthi militants, and Iraqi militia groups.

Iran is already facing hundreds of Western sanctions. Insiders suggest that the new measures will expand existing sanctions, potentially prohibiting Iran from providing military supplies to Russia for the conflict in Ukraine.

Last weekend, Iran launched a large-scale attack on Israel, firing approximately 300 missiles and drones. However, 99% of the attacks were intercepted and shot down by countries including Israel, the U.S., the U.K., France, and Jordan, resulting in minimal casualties and damages.

Tensions between Israel and Iran have escalated since Hamas’s attack on October 7th. Concerns exist that this recent attack and any corresponding retaliations could lead to a broader conflict in the Middle East.

Previously, Iran publicly accused Israel of an airstrike on its embassy compound in Syria on April 1st, resulting in the deaths of several Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps members, including two commanders. However, Israel has not acknowledged carrying out the attack.

On Monday, U.S. President Biden stated that the allies’ responses demonstrate America’s commitment to Israel’s security. He urged Israel to show restraint and work to prevent further escalation of conflicts. However, the U.S. government is evidently preparing to impose economic penalties on Iran.

On Tuesday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen mentioned the sanctions in a press briefing. She stated that the U.S. will not hesitate to impose penalties on Iran for its attacks.

“We will not hesitate to work with our allies, using our sanction powers to continue undermining the Iranian regime’s malicious destabilizing activities,” Yellen said.

She cautioned that Iran’s actions could lead to “an economic spillover effect.”

“From the weekend’s attacks to Houthi militant attacks in the Red Sea, Iran’s actions are threatening the region’s stability and may result in an economic spillover effect,” Yellen stated.

She also underscored that the U.S. has already imposed extensive sanctions on groups supported by Iran.

Yellen said, “Since the Biden administration took office, we have sanctioned over 500 individuals and entities linked to the Iranian regime or its proxies engaged in terrorism.”
