African Fish Eagles Steal Crocodile’s Food and Then Get It Stolen Back

The African fish eagle, a raptor living south of the Sahara Desert in Africa, primarily feeds on fish but occasionally preys on other birds’ food as well. Recently, in a national park in South Africa, tourists captured a rare scene of an African fish eagle snatching food from a crocodile, only to have it snatched back.

According to a report from “Latest Sightings” website, Gavin Ellard, a frequent visitor to Kruger National Park in South Africa, witnessed and captured on camera the moment when an African fish eagle tried to steal food from a crocodile.

On a long weekend in August, Ellard and his family went to a local campsite. They heard splashing sounds coming from the nearby Luvuvhu River. Upon investigating, they found a crocodile with its prey. Having witnessed crocodiles hunting before, they did not anticipate anything out of the ordinary, but Ellard still decided to film the scene.

To their surprise, an African fish eagle swooped down from the sky and landed on the riverbank. It seemed to have noticed the crocodile with its prey. By this time, the crocodile had almost finished eating the warthog it caught, leaving only a small piece of meat.

As the crocodile paused after its meal, the African fish eagle made a sudden dive and snatched the remaining piece of meat. However, the meat was too heavy for the eagle to fly off with it, causing the eagle to struggle on the water’s surface, even getting its wings wet.

The crocodile, realizing its food had been taken, promptly chased after the eagle. Just as the African fish eagle was about to jump onto the riverbank, the crocodile swiftly snatched the food back and swallowed it down.

Seemingly aware of the approaching crocodile, the African fish eagle realized that holding onto the stolen meal could endanger its life. Therefore, it decided to return the meal to the crocodile.

Some netizens commented that the African fish eagle was lucky to escape alive, as it could have become the crocodile’s next meal.

Instances of raptors stealing food are not unique to Africa. A similar scenario occurred in the United States, where a bald eagle swooped down to snatch a fish caught by a man fishing on the beach in Florida. The eagle proceeded to eat the fish on the spot, leaving the man and his companion to watch the sunset while the eagle enjoyed its dinner.

These occurrences remind us of the unpredictability of nature and the survival instincts of its creatures, showcasing the intricate interactions between different species in the wild.