Three Chinese provincial-level officials and one major general died within nine days.

For over four years, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been covering up the epidemic. Epoch Times has collected and compiled data on the dense deaths of prominent figures in various fields such as the CCP, government, military, police, scientific research, education, and arts from fragmentary information released by the CCP authorities. It was found that most of them were CCP members, and their common characteristics were serving for the CCP’s existence, promoting the CCP’s ideology, and whitewashing the CCP’s evil rule. The causes of death were mostly referred to by the authorities as “ineffective treatment of illness,” without specifying the specific diseases. Many of them were elites in various fields, but unfortunately, their talents, efforts, and dedication were misused. Since the establishment of the CCP, it has caused 80 million abnormal deaths and continues to persecute the good people of China, leaving a heavy debt of blood. Good and evil will be repaid by heaven. The epidemic is targeting the Communist Party, and the CCP regime is on the verge of disintegration. All those who stand with the CCP will become sacrificial items for the party. A wise man does not stand under a collapsing wall; the only way to save oneself is to quickly dissociate from the CCP’s organizations.

Between May 11 and 19 this year, at least ten CCP officials died of illness – all CCP members. Those included Mou Lingsheng, former deputy secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee; Zhang Youcai, former deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance; Bai Hualing, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress; Major General of the CCP, Professor at the National Defense University, Zhang Yining; and 55-year-old Huang Xiaojun, party secretary of Yicheng County, Shanxi Province.

Mou Lingsheng, former deputy secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial People’s Congress, passed away in Xi’an on May 19 due to illness. Official obituaries described him as “an outstanding member of the Communist Party of China and a loyal communist warrior.” Mou Lingsheng, born in November 1931, had served as member of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, head of the Office of the Party Committee, secretary-general of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, deputy secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, and vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial People’s Congress.

Zhang Youcai, former member of the CCP committee and deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, passed away on May 12 at the Zhongshan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University in Shanghai. Zhang Youcai, born in October 1941, had served as the mayor of Nantong City, deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, member of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress, vice-chairman of the Financial and Economic Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress, and delegate to the Thirteenth National Congress of the CCP.

Bai Hualing, former member of the Tianjin Municipal Committee of the CCP, former deputy director of the Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress, and deputy secretary of the party, passed away in Tianjin on May 11 due to illness. Bai Hualing, born in March 1928, had served as deputy director and secretary of the Party Committee of the Tianjin Urban Planning Commission, director and secretary of the Party Committee of the Urban Construction Commission of Tianjin, member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Committee, and secretary of the Municipal Committee Urban Construction Working Committee. From 1988 to 1993, he served as deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People’s Congress of Tianjin.

Zhang Yining, former Major General of the CCP, former deputy director of the Strategic Research Department of the National Defense University, professor, and doctoral supervisor, passed away on May 14 due to illness. Zhang Yining, born in November 1952, had held various positions such as tank driver, battalion leader, platoon leader, staff officer at the headquarters, and political instructor in the Tank Regiment of the 10th Division of the Tank Armored Brigade in the Nanjing Military Region, and so on. In 1978, Zhang Yining entered the PLA Political College of the PLA substantially derived from the PLA Political Academy, now the National Defense University of the PLA, to be a teacher and get engaged in military ideological work, military strategic teaching, and scientific research.

Zhang Yining started his study at the Department of Philosophy of Nankai University in 1972, enrolled in the Department of Philosophy of Nankai University with a concentration in Mao Zedong’s philosophical thoughts in 1984, and pursued a master’s degree in service paying high attention to studying Mao Zedong’s military philosophy. Zhang Yining had enjoyed the government special allowance awarded by the State Council of the PRC and had served as the chief expert on army topics of the Marxist theoretical research and construction project of the CCP Central Committee. He had been rewarded multiple times by the CCP, both the state and the army.

Partially recorded, at least 6 more CCP officials, who were all CCP members, have died between May 11 and 19 this year, including Huang Xiaojun, 55, party secretary of Yicheng County, Shanxi Province.

Lin Ze, retired head of the Accounting Department of the Agricultural Bank’s Nantong Branch, passed away on May 19.

Huang Xiaojun, party secretary of Yicheng County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, passed away on May 18 at the age of 55. Huang Xiaojun, the former mayor of Huozhou City and Houma City, were county-level cities under the jurisdiction of Linfen.

Chen Deji, former director of the Comprehensive Survey Bureau of the Yangtze River Commission and the first director of the Yangtze River Survey and Technology Research Institute, passed away in Wuhan on May 15. Chen Deji had participated in, presided over, and been responsible for the geological survey and research work of more than 10 large-scale water conservancy and hydropower projects in the mainstream and tributaries of the Yangtze River Basin, including ujiangdu, Gezhouba, Wan’an, and Sanxia, and other large and super-large water conservancy and hydropower projects. Chen Deji, as the overall geology team leader of the Three Gorges project, presided over and organized the geological survey and research work at various design stages. Chen Deji participated in compiling the “Special Report on Geology and Earthquake for the Three Gorges Project”; he had participated in the site inspections of the CCP leaders and large-scale inspection teams multiple times. Official notices described him as an “outstanding CCP member.”

Chen Bingkang, retired inspector of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Nantong Municipal Government in Jiangsu Province, passed away on May 13.

Shi Weijian, former director and party committee secretary of the China National Youth Art Theatre, retired official of the National Drama Theatre, and national first-class actor, passed away on May 12 in Beijing. Shi Weijian had starred in the revolutionary dramas such as “Liu Hulan” and “Fenshuichangliu.”

Du Jie, former director of the General Affairs Department of Harbin Shipbuilding Engineering College, passed away on May 11. Du Jie had worked in a number of institutions, including the Northeast Military and Political College, Central South Military University, Hanzhou High-Level Step School, Nanjing Military Academy, Military Engineering College, and Harbin Shipbuilding Engineering College, and served as a political instructor, teacher, director of the Haijian Machinery Factory of Harbin Shipbuilding Engineering College, Party committee secretary, director of the Teaching Affairs Office, and director of the General Affairs Department of Harbin Shipbuilding Engineering College. Official notices described him as an “excellent CCP member.”

Epoch Times published the “Epoch Times solemn declaration” on the Quit CCP website, pointing out that the end of the Communist Party is imminent. However, this evil party (cult) has committed horrendous crimes against sentient beings and the divine in history, and God will surely hold this demon accountable. If one day God instructs humans to settle accounts with the CCP, those who staunchly support this evil party will not be spared.

Under the long-term brainwashing of atheism by the CCP, many Chinese people do not believe in the principle of good and evil retribution. However, for members of the CCP and those who ideologically adhere to the CCP, God will take their lives in various ways, including through diseases and epidemics.

Since the outbreak of the CCP virus (COVID-19) epidemic in China in December 2022, CCP members, officials, as well as experts, scholars, and celebrities who support the CCP have been dying in rapid succession. Multiple pieces of evidence show that the epidemic is still prevalent in China, causing significant deaths. However, the CCP authorities have forbidden further nucleic acid testing and refused to address the epidemic.

As early as March 2020, Master Li Hongzhi warned in his article “Rationality”: “The current ‘CCP virus’ (Wuhan pneumonia) pandemic is purposeful and targeted. It is here to eliminate those who have ties to the evil party and those who stand with the CCP.”

Master Li Hongzhi pointed out, “Stay away from the evil CCP, do not stand with the evil party, because behind it is a red devil, with surface behavior being rogue, and commits all sorts of evil deeds. God is beginning to eradicate it, and those who stand with it will be eliminated.”

Master Li Hongzhi also outlined how individuals can navigate and survive in this pandemic: “People should sincerely repent to God, reflect on their wrongdoings, and hope for a chance to reform; this is the solution, this is the miraculous cure.”