Yang Ning: China Sanctions Former US Hawkish Lawmaker Revealing Stern, Ruthless Attitude

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently issued a sanctions notice against former US Congressman Mike Gallagher from Wisconsin, which came into effect on May 21st. The notice accused Gallagher of frequently interfering in China’s internal affairs, undermining China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and infringing on Chinese interests. As a result, according to China’s Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law, the Chinese government decided to take the following retaliatory measures against Gallagher: freezing movable and immovable properties in China, prohibiting organizations and individuals within China from conducting transactions, cooperation, and activities with him, and not issuing visas or allowing entry into China for him.

Why does the Chinese government hold such animosity towards Gallagher? And why impose sanctions on him shortly after stepping down as a congressman? It is because Gallagher is one of the few staunch hawks in the US Congress, having served on the House Armed Services Committee and the House Intelligence Committee, as well as chairing the US-China Strategic Competition Task Force. The task force focuses on issues related to China and strives to reveal the underlying reasons and responses to the increasingly tense US-China relationship.

During his tenure as chair of the task force, Gallagher presided over several hearings related to China. Due to his clear and accurate understanding of China, he adopted a tough stance towards the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and often expressed strong views on China-related issues. For instance, he advocated for banning US investments in specific sectors of China’s economy, such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing; changing Wall Street’s investment approach towards China; supporting and visiting Taiwan; and cautioning President Biden not to trust Xi Jinping, among others.

In response to controversial events related to China in American society, Gallagher fulfilled his responsibilities by questioning them. For example, in November last year, Gallagher and Democratic Representative Ro Khanna, both members of the US-China Strategic Competition Task Force, wrote to Apple CEO Tim Cook questioning why Apple canceled comedian John Stewart’s talk show appearance. Stewart informed his staff that discussions related to China and artificial intelligence had “alarmed Apple leadership.”

In their letter, the two lawmakers emphasized that strategic competition between the US and the CCP extends beyond military, economic, and technological strengths to include values. They highlighted the importance of responsible and open thought exchange without undue interference from foreign powers as a stark distinction between the US system and the CCP.

Gallagher is also known for being a prominent figure in the US who distinguishes between the CCP, China, and the Chinese people. Before the APEC summit in November, Gallagher held a joint press conference with prominent overseas Chinese activists in San Francisco to discuss the future direction of China at a “National Affairs Conference.”

During the Q&A session, Gallagher reiterated his view that the US’s adversary is the CCP and its leadership. He stated, “Increasingly, the threat we see is not the Chinese people but a small number of people, one person at the highest level of the party, it is an organization in the form of Marxism-Leninism as the CCP.” He emphasized, “The Chinese people are not America’s enemies but the main victims of the CCP.” By making this distinction, he believed that the US’s strategy against the CCP would be more successful.

In the US political arena, taking a tough stance against the CCP is one of the few issues on which both parties agree, and Gallagher has played a significant role in this consensus. It is no wonder that the Chinese government harbors deep hatred towards Gallagher and issued so-called sanctions against him shortly after his term ended.

However, the sanctions against Gallagher are nothing but a farce, as mainland Chinese netizens see right through it. Some mockingly commented, “Ban him from eating Chinese food,” “Ban him from going to Chinatown to eat Chinese food,” “Ban him and his family from using Chinese products.” Others asked, “Does he have any assets in our country?” “Has he been to China? Does he do business or own property in China?”

Indeed, imposing sanctions on someone requires verifying whether they have assets in China or are engaged in business there; otherwise, it would be empty talk. Besides, based on Gallagher’s anti-CCP stance, why would he come to China to do business and hold assets?

This brings to mind the absurdity of when, on July 13, 2020, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced sanctions against members of the US Congressional-Executive Commission on China as well as Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, and Congressman Chris Smith. This was in response to the US State Department and Treasury Department’s sanctions against Chen Quanguo and others involved in the persecution of Uighurs in Xinjiang on the 9th. They were sanctioned merely for questioning the CCP’s persecution of Uighurs and standing firmly against communism. While issuing the sanctions, the CCP shamelessly claimed that “Xinjiang affairs are purely China’s internal affairs, and the US has no right or qualification to interfere,” without specifying the measures taken.

Looking at the recent sanctions against Gallagher by the CCP, similar to those imposed on Brownback, Rubio, Cruz, and Smith, it is nothing more than visa restrictions, unable even to freeze overseas assets. Like Gallagher, would these individuals who are well aware of the CCP’s nature keep their assets in Chinese banks? Visa restrictions are mostly just empty threats. With the current trend of US decoupling from China, how many US officials would risk coming to China?

Thus, whether the sanctions against Brownback, Rubio, and others or the recent sanctions against Gallagher, they are unlikely to sway American interests. On the contrary, American officials have already developed immune responses to the CCP’s insults and erratic actions, seeing through their shamelessness and distortion of facts. How would more sanctions make a difference? It might unintentionally lead to stronger anti-CCP measures from more US officials.

The timing of the CCP’s sanctions against Gallagher following Taiwan’s new president’s inauguration ceremony seems to be a scare tactic aimed at US officials to save face and maintain a tough image in front of their own people. However, this move only serves to expose the CCP’s foolishness and deceit to the world and the Chinese people, prompting more anti-CCP actions from Americans. The CCP is only shooting itself in the foot no matter what they do.