Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te’s Inaugural Speech Reveals 4 Key Elements

The President-Elect of the Republic of China, Lai Ching-te, will be inaugurated next Monday, May 20. The new government’s national security high-level officials disclosed that Lai Ching-te’s inauguration speech will focus on four key elements: stability, confidence, responsibility, and unity.

On May 18, according to the Central News Agency, high-level national security officials of Taiwan’s new government stated that President-Elect Lai Ching-te’s speech will continue and uphold the theme of “democracy, peace, and prosperity” that was highlighted on the day of his victory. It will also manifest in future governance with an emphasis on stability, confidence, responsibility, and promoting unity among the people.

On January 13 of this year, as Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential and vice-presidential candidates, Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Mei-chin secured over 5.5 million votes with a vote rate exceeding 40%, emerging victorious. The inauguration ceremony for Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Mei-chin is scheduled for next Monday, May 20. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China stated that 508 foreign guests from 51 delegations will participate in the inauguration ceremony and related activities.

Aforementioned national security officials emphasized the first element of maintaining “stability,” primarily continuing the foundation of the past few years of President Tsai Ing-wen’s administration, ensuring Taiwan plays an indispensable role in global economy and geopolitical stability. Simultaneously, while maintaining the status quo, efforts will be made to collaborate with various parties to safeguard the stability from erosion.

The second element is “confidence.” Taiwan has received international recognition for its performance in various global fields yet there is still room for progress and development. The new president will demonstrate “heightened strategic confidence” to continue advancing national policies, showcasing societal innovation and resilience, embodying Taiwan’s spirit on the world stage.

The official noted that Taiwanese confidence stems from long-term endeavors and a benevolent attitude, acknowledged globally, making “confidence” a crucial foundation for Taiwan’s engagement with the international community.

The third element is “responsibility.” The new government is committed to being accountable to the people and jointly confronting global challenges. Taiwan is a force for good in the world and a responsible member, willing to actively contribute to the world, cooperating to tackle numerous challenges with composure and without arrogance.

The fourth element is “unity.” Taiwan is facing various means of division from the Chinese Communist Party, necessitating more efforts internally to unite the people and strengthen Taiwan.

The new national security team further elaborated on “unity” as the political divide deepens, but the governing team is the democratically elected government of Taiwan. “Lai Ching-te is the democratically elected next president of Taiwan,” with public opinion being the most important foundation, and democracy and freedom serving as the guiding principles of governance. These four elements are all in line with the basic attitude of moving towards the path of “democracy, peace, and prosperity” in the future.