American Southern Overseas Chinese School and Overseas Chinese Education Center Organize Group for Application for iOverseas Chinese Card to Enjoy Good Activities.

In order to continuously expand the potential customer base for the iQiao card, the Houston Overseas Chinese Education Center has collaborated with large-scale overseas Chinese schools and organizations in the Southern United States region. They have implemented a regional marketing plan combining cultural and educational activities to promote the application for the iQiao card, increasing the attention of overseas Chinese school teachers, students, parents, and friends toward the benefits of the iQiao card and encouraging them to apply and enjoy the exclusive discounts.

Following the successful group card application event during the Cold Food Festival cultural activity at the Taiwan Plastics Chinese School in La Vacca Port on April 7th, the center visited the Houston area Chinese Culture Academy, Chinese Culture Service Center Chinese School, and Bless Church Chinese School on May 11th and 12th. They held a “Group Card Application for iQiao Card to Enjoy Discounts” event in conjunction with the spring course graduation ceremonies. At the event, promotional booths were set up to introduce the benefits of the iQiao card, attracting teachers, students, and accompanying parents to learn more and support the initiative.

Director Wang Yingrong of the Overseas Chinese Education Center expressed gratitude to the overseas Chinese schools in the Southern United States region for organizing various cultural and educational activities. Through the participation of overseas Chinese education and TCML students in activities, they have demonstrated their achievements in learning Mandarin and successfully inherited traditional Chinese culture. In response to government policies, they collaborated with the center to organize the “Group Card Application for iQiao Card to Enjoy Discounts” event, setting up booths outside for attendees to quickly apply for the iQiao card on site and enjoy more benefits and convenient services.

The booths at the event provided detailed explanations to participants about the iQiao card’s designated stores and various discount programs. Those who completed the application on-site could receive Taiwan black bear stickers, sticky notes, or Chinese language teaching materials provided by the center as souvenirs, attracting widespread inquiries and applications. This successful integration of the school activities has increased the exposure of the iQiao card and expanded its service coverage, yielding significant results. The next event in the Dallas area will be held in collaboration with the Hua Xing Chinese School on May 19th, where interested overseas Chinese are welcome to participate and enjoy the benefits of discounts around the world.